Chapter 13: Escaped

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I've been in this prison for just a couple of hours and from just hearing Luke and Deckard argue, I wanted to shoot myself to end my misery. Deckard hasn't said a word to me as neither have I to him. As I laid down on my cold stiff bed, I heard a familiar voice.


I looked over and saw Ethan outside of my cage. I frowned as I was still mad at him for how he acted the last time I saw him. I got up on my feet and faced him.

"Oi, what the hell is that tosser doing here?" Deckard complained over to the guards, to which they only ignored him.

"Mind your damn business, Shaw," Ethan growled as his jaw clenched.

"No, I don't think I'd like to. What are you going to do about it, boy toy?" provoked Deckard.

"Shut it, Deckard," I hissed as I noticed how Ethan was becoming enraged.

Ethan gestured over to the guards. The guard came over and opened the door to my cage. Ethan stepped inside. Before I can react, Ethan had pulled me into a kiss. I couldn't find myself to kiss back after what he did the other day. I pushed him off me as I backed away from him.

"Don't think I've forgotten how you were the last time we saw each other," I whispered angrily to him.

"You mean, the time when you weren't a criminal and not locked up in a maximum security prison?"

I rolled my eyes as I backed away from him. He really has the nerve to come here and rub it to my face.

"I heard what Mr Nobody offered to you. How can you be so stupid and decline the damn offer, Sammy?!" he raised his voice.

Oh no, here we go again. He really wants to make a scene here, out of all places.

"Kingston, mind your damn tone!" called out Luke, protectively.

Ethan ignored Luke, as he kept his eyes on me. I stared back at Ethan coldly. Who does he think he is? Nobody talks to me like that.

"Fuck you, Ethan. Don't ever talk to me like that. You don't control me for shit. Now get the hell out of here before I make your ass regret it," I threatened him.

"It's because of your pathetic son of a bitch criminal of an ex boyfriend, isn't it?" Ethan scoffed as he gestured over to Deckard.

"Why don't you come down here and say it to my face?!" challenged Deckard.

Ethan grabbed my wrist, the same wrist he bruised the other day. I winced lightly from the sudden pain on my wrist but did my best to keep my composure.

"Don't make it worse for yourself. You will regret picking to stay here, I'll make sure of it," he threatened.

"The only thing I regret is being with you and ever giving you a chance. You don't own me and you don't ever tell me what to do. I ain't your bitch, asshole." I said sternly.

He finally let go of my hand. Out of nowhere, Ethan slapped me across the face making me stumble back. I cursed as I felt the stinging pain on my right cheek.

"Bitch," I heard Ethan say.

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I heard Deckard raged as he bang onto his cage door.

"WHAT THE HELL KINGSTON!" I heard Luke yell.

I clenched my jaw as I watched him walk out of my cage. 

I took my chance and I forcefully kicked Ethan on his lower back causing him to fall on his knees. Before he had the chance to react, I kicked him hard on the side of his head which collided into the metal wall, knocking him out.

"You picked the wrong bitch to cross."


I stayed quiet as I listened to the constant bickering between Luke and Deckard. I couldn't get what just happened between Ethan and I out of my head. The person who I've known for a long time and considered my best friend, finally unleashed his true colours. Maybe it was my fault on why he became like this.

"All I know is, it wasn't me that was thrown out of a four-story window."

"Jumped. I jumped out of a four-story window, saving my partner's life. Cause where I'm from, we don't settle fights by throwing bombs," Luke defended himself.

"Well, that's funny, because where I'm from, we don't need women to run to our rescue."

I scoffed as I could recall countless of times I've saved Deckard.

"That's full of shit, I saved your ass way too many times," I pointed out making Deckard frown at me and earning an amusing smirk from Luke.

"My point is, do you really believe you can stand in front of me and beat me in a straight up, old fashioned fist fight?" Deckard questioned Hobbs, flashing him his clenched fist.

"Let me tell you something. Me and you, one on one, no one else around. I will beat your ass like a Cherokee drum."

"Maybe one day we'll find out."

"Oh you better hope that day never comes."

Out of nowhere, there was a loud ring that followed by Luke's and I's cages doors to be opened. I furrowed my brows as I knew this was all Mr Nobody's doing.

"We said no, Mr Nobody. We are not leaving this cell. We'll get out our way."

A bunch of guards then came rushing to our cages. Their tasering gun pointed at Luke and I.

"Chill, we got nothing to do with this," I told them calmly as I raised my hands up.

"Get back both of you!" yelled the guards.

Deckard took this chance to grab one of the guards, tasering him and tasering the monitor above him. My eyes widened as that caused for all cage doors in the prison to be opened, including Deckard's. Wasting no time, Deckard made the run for it.

"Stop him! Don't let him get away!" I heard Luke exclaimed.

I smirked. Challenge accepted.


I managed to beat Luke and Deckard to the exit only to find Mr Nobody in front of me, along with a bunch of armed guards. All guns were now pointed towards me.

"Ah Sammy, you're here early," chuckled Mr Nobody.

"Yeah those sissy's are probably still having a testosterone war going on," I said rolling my eyes.

As if on cue, Luke and Deckard rolled outside. They quickly got up and faced each other in their fighting stands. They looked around, confused as I was.

"Well, that took longer than I expected."

"Slow pokes," I mumbled as I walked past them to follow Mr Nobody.

Mr Nobody lead us to his vehicle. I was stuck sitting in between Luke and Deckard. Deckard and I made a small eye contact, his eyes softened. He opened his mouth but I was quick to look away from him. I placed my head on Luke's shoulder and closed my eyes

I wasn't in the mood to face Deckard after what's happened today with Ethan. I hated knowing that he saw me get belittled and abused by Ethan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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