Chapter 16. Follow You, Follow Me

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Avery regarded Lady Elouan with absolute horror; Tanguy sensed her anguish and pressed his rusty head against her knee in an attempt to console her. You can't have lost him again, you simply can't! How does this keep happening?' she wailed with despair.

'Trust me, we will find your mother, Avery, and soon. We are searching the entirety of Albion as we speak. It's just that I cannot say precisely when.' Avery felt a sickening sensation of vertigo and leaned against the cold, stone wall of the watchtower to stop herself from collapsing. She felt sick and giddy at thought of her mother, scared and alone, and how Puck might be mistreating her. Tanguy whined softly and Avery crouched down and wrapped him in her arms. The warmth of his rough, orangey coat was very comforting and bit by bit, her courage began to return. She stood up and squared her shoulders with determination.

"I understand. And thank you, Lady Elouan, for coming to help me. But I can't go home and do nothing, not while Puck is holding Mum captive - I can't bear to think how she must be feeling. So I'm going to look for her myself; with a bit of luck, Tanguy may be able to pick up her trail.' And without giving the elves any chance to respond, Avery grabbed Tanguy's leash and fled from the room. She dashed helter-skelter down the stairs, darted across the threshold and had almost reached the forest when, with a loud 'bang' and a burst of light, Caradoc appeared right in front of her and barred her way.

'Stop right there, Avery. You know exactly how unpredictable Puck can be. He is more than a match for many of the High Folk and you are but a mortal girl. Leave this to me; I will find Puck myself and I will deal with him.'

'This is my mother we're talking about!' said Avery as she tried to dodge past him, 'you don't understand - she means everything to me, and I'm going to get her back right now. I'm not being rude, but get out of my way!' Caradoc regarded her soberly as he continued to block her path.

'But I do. I know that it must be unbearable for you, with your father gone and your mother stolen away from you. And now you must understand – this situation isn't safe for you,' he said patiently, 'I will use a binding spell if you persist, for your own safety. Heed my words, Avery Shaw; I am your friend and the wellbeing of both you and your mother is important to me.' Avery gave a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

'All right then. But promise that you'll let me know the instant that you hear anything about Puck and my Mum?'

'I promise,' said Caradoc, 'Go home now and try your best not to worry. Puck is powerful but he is also capricious. No matter where he hides, Lundein, Albion or anywhere in the world, he'll eventually do something weird, outlandish or puerile. And then he'll be found. Leave it to us; we shall fetch you as soon as we locate your mother. Do not despair.' And with a noisy 'crack' and a shower of multi-coloured sparkles, he was gone, leaving Avery alone at the edge of the clearing. Or so she thought, for out from behind the old yew tree sidled Old Matthews.

'Psst,' he breathed as he inched cautiously around the tree trunk, 'Miss Avery, come hither.' Tanguy wagged his tail in recognition but Avery jumped back with a start.

'Samuel! I thought that you'd left; you said you were going to return to your hut,' she whispered as she ducked under the low branches.

'And indeed, that was my intent. But I was worried about you, Missy. I thought it couldn't hurt if I hung around for a bit. And I'm glad I did, despite all that appearing out of nowhere with all that clitter and them lights – it's bad for an old man's constitution! But yes, I'm glad, 'cause I overheard your conversation with that soldier feller and I've got something to tell thee.' He looked around the glade warily and pulled her behind the yew. 'I don't know if it'll be useful but yon feller's words got me to thinking, and you never know...'

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