Chapter 14 - The Heart of the Sunrise

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Lady Ethne sailed through the gathering crowd like a galleon parting the waters, with Lord Brieg following closely in her wake.

'What is it, Ker? What's the matter, my sweeting?' she called as she advanced towards the sound of Ker's yowling. 'By the Heavens, what madness is this?' she exclaimed as she came to a standstill before her beleaguered son.

'Make them stop it, mam!' Ker whined as he clung to the double-handed flagon in a fruitless attempt to stop it from clouting him. His body jerked to and fro like a wooden puppet as the flagon lifted him clear off the floor. Lady Ethne charged at Lady Urienne and drew herself up to her full height.

'You ignorant girl, how dare you insult the heir to Brente in such a manner! It shall not be endured in front of these noble Kindred – stop it at once!' she hissed furiously. Urienne was quite unrepentant.

'The heir to Brente insulted the heir to Shey Afon and then assaulted the other, for your information. So I'll stop when I'm good and ready," she replied, returning to her perch on the edge of the sofa with an air of insouciance.

By now all of the Protectors and the Soudard Gwer had joined the mass of avidly gossiping onlookers. Helori tried to quell the antics of the animated crockery with a quick spell of her own but was unsuccessful; if anything the jug and the goblets revolved around the cowering Ker with increasing speed. Lord Brieg shoved his way over to Lord Kaner and puffed out his chest.

'Lord Kaner I demand that you control your daughters! Their unseemly behaviour is an embarrassment to Shey Afon and has no place at this august and ancient ceremony.' Lord Kaner looked down at Lord Brieg and narrowed his piercing eyes.

'My opinion is quite the reverse. Your son is the one who has created the embarrassment and is ruining this 'august and ancient ceremony'. How dare he put his hand upon my daughter!' he snapped. Lady Elouan stepped forward with graceful dignity.

'Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. Let us not be hasty, I am sure that this matter can be swiftly resolved to the satisfaction of all.' She turned her attention to Lord Kaner's daughters, 'Urienne, Rozenn – come now, let Ker be. Tell me what is the cause of all this melee.'

'Certainly my Lady,' Urienne curtseyed. With one flick of her hand, she froze all of the goblets in mid-air; there was a moment of silence and then they all crashed loudly to the floor. A Shey Afon retainer, cheeks flushed with indignation, stepped forth and addressed the gossiping crowd.

'Lord Ker is the one at fault madam; first, he was rude to Lady Urienne and then, when Lady Rozenn politely declined his invitation to dance, he tried to force her onto the dance floor. The rest you know.'

'What? Now you malign the good name of my son and heir? This is a base smear from by a jealous maiden with an axe to grind,' roared Lord Brieg, puce with anger. Lord Kaner frowned and tried to push forward but his wife took his arm and held him back.

'We will not be humiliated thusly before the high Kindred!' Lord Brieg continued, brimming with self-righteous pique, 'Ethne, Ker – we're leaving! Chamberlains, prepare for our immediate return to Brente.' He glowered at Lord Riwal. 'This catastrophe of a Canol Haf ceremony lies squarely on your shoulders, Riwal. Your preparations and security are a shambles, what an utter fiasco. And you,' he said to Lord Kaner, 'are clearly not master of your own house. That's the real embarrassment in my opinion!' Lord Kaner clenched his fists and glowered back.

'I'm very proud to say that I'm not master of my own house. My wife Gwenaelle and I are two parts of one whole; we work together in all things, and together we have raised our daughters to be self-reliant, brave and strong. Qualities that you should have imparted to your own offspring,' he growled. Lord Riwal patted Kaner's shoulder placatingly as Brieg threw his hat to the floor in a fit of temper.

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