Chapter 7 - Bohemian Rhapsody

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Caradoc opened a heavy, wooden gate and led Avery along a short track of thick, claggy mud to a large threshing barn. It had brick walls of London clay and a wooden roof, and close beside it was a long, low cowshed.

'I'm fairly sure that we should be standing in front The Croft by now, and not this smelly cow-pen,' said Avery, wrinkling her nose at the odour of manure that was wafting in their direction, 'Is this another example of the 'time and shadows' thing you told me about when we visited the Green Man?'

'Correct; this place is New Barn, and the Croft has yet to be built. And now we step out of this realm and into yours, to find Dylan and restore the lost Luck.' Caradoc drew a large circle of pale, lavender-coloured light in the air with his forefinger, the edges of which flickered with silvery flames. As she looked through the circle the rustic barn started to shimmer and fade away, to be replaced by the elegant outlines of a Regency manor house. The stuccoed walls were pale blue, the gabled roof covered with smart, red tiles and it was set back from the road behind a tall, privet hedge.

'The Croft! I love walking here because it's so beautiful, just like a life-sized dolls house. And it started out as a cattle shed – that's amazing. And now I get to go inside; this is so cool!' Avery marvelled as they stepped across the glowing flames that rippled around the circular portal.

'Exceedingly "cool",' Caradoc said with amusement, 'I've been informed that the proper etiquette when visiting mortals is to ring for entrance. It's frowned upon to appear unannounced, apparently. Go on, press the doorbell.'

'Yes it is, and we really hate it when people materialise unexpectedly out of thin air!' Avery bantered as she pressed the button below the security camera, 'but don't worry Caradoc, I've forgiven you.' Caradoc looked highly affronted (and then he winked at her cheekily).

'Good afternoon. May I ask who is calling, please?' a man asked through the intercom in a perfectly cut-glass accent.

'Good morrow Finch, said Caradoc, 'could you inform Dylan that I am here with a friend, on a matter of importance please?'

'Ah yes, my Lord, most certainly,' the man replied in a much friendlier tone, 'Do come in!'

A buzzer sounded and Caradoc waved Avery through the impregnable gate. They walked up the brick, herringbone pathway to the front door where a tall, dark man in the black tailcoat and striped, spongebag trousers of a butler was waiting for them.

'Lord Caradoc, words cannot express how happy I am to see you,' said Finch the butler, executing a neat half-bow, 'I presume that you've heard about our recent loss? It's caused considerable distress and we are in dire need of assistance. Dylan is due to perform at a recital for the President of France hosted by the Prince of Wales but the house is in total chaos. Dylan swears that every note is vile and discordant and is refusing to go; I pray that you can help us?'

'It's not me that can help, it's this little maid,' said Caradoc good-naturedly as he nudged Avery forward. 'She's the one who found your missing item. Recognising its importance she immediately sought the advice of Lady Elouan, who sent her here.' Finch turned his gaze on Avery; he had pale, pea-green eyes that made a striking contrast with his olive complexion. They flashed and glittered with a peculiar silvery light, which reminded her of the gleaming, metallic eyes of Lady Elouan. That's odd, she thought to herself.

'How fortuitous,' Finch said as he stared at her expressionlessly, 'And how did she come to find it? She does not appear to have,' he hesitated, choosing his words carefully, 'or should I say, to be a "relative". But your appearance is most timely and we offer you our deepest thanks, Miss ...?'

'Shaw; Avery Shaw,' said Avery smartly, sensing the distrust that emanated from the mysterious butler. Honest to her core, she felt as though she'd been slightly snubbed, which fired her determination to prove her worth.

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