Chapter 12 - Underneath Electric Stars

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There was a small, distinct pop as the music room disappeared and suddenly she was somewhere else, somewhere large and dimly lit. Avery was momentarily blinded by the contrast between the surge of dazzling brightness and the gentle lamplight of her new surroundings. Her head was spinning and she stumbled, arms outstretched, fearful that she was about to fall. As the brightly coloured sparkles dimmed and faded away, her eyes began to adjust to the wavering light. She was inside the Ambrook watchtower, in a large, octagonal hall that was bathed in the subdued glow from several, large torches, centred on each wall. The hall was richly decorated with tapestries, battle flags and heraldic shields. Elaborate suits of armour stood to attention in each corner and several sentinel crows (including Sir Bran) and some fierce-looking falcons were perched atop their helmets, shoulder pauldrons and battle staves. Lord Bleiz, Lady Conwenna and several other massive wolves rested quietly before a low, wooden stage on the far side of the room, which was heaving with guards, all dressed in green and gold ceremonial tunics, silver helmets and breastplates. Some were leaning against the walls, others were talking in small groups but most were already sitting on the polished, wooden benches that filled the room. Helori patted her shoulder and told her to sit, so Avery squeezed onto the edge of the nearest bench beside a warrior with an eye patch and a long pony-tail, whose massive bulk filled most of the space. She smiled at him politely but he responded with a brief, withering look and then turned away with a dismissive grunt. Avery was unperturbed, she was simply happy to be there; she concentrated on the Lady Commander who made her way over to the stage and clapped her gauntleted hands for attention.

'Ladies, gentlemen, birds and beasts, noble warriors of the Soudard Gwer you have been briefed on your duties tonight by Lord Caradoc. I am confident that things will go smoothly at tonight's Midsummer's Eve celebration. We are not anticipating any specific diplomatic 'incidents' this year; there have been no new grievances, major or minor, between the Kindred Courts of the Valley of Tamessas. I am pleased to report that last year's border dispute between the Protectorate of Leye and the Protectorate of Rodinge has been fully resolved. It is also worth noting that the passage of time has proved a soothing balm on the injured feelings of Lord Ker, the sole heir of Lord Brieg of Brente after his recent proposal to Lady Urienne was dismissed. Lady Urienne is, as you should all know, the eldest daughter and heir apparent to Lord Kaner, of Shey Afon.

'Those of you assigned to look after the visiting Protectors, please observe the necessary etiquette and keep the more 'frolicsome' elements at bay; we do not want a repetition of the 'Flower Faerie incident'. The rest of you proceed as normal, intervening wherever necessary with good humour and a light hand, to ensure that any quarrels or 'merry japes' do not escalate. The happy and peaceable reputation of the Court of Effrayna is a proud one that we must uphold.' Here Helori paused and pointed to the bench where Avery was struggling to keep her rear end on the small bit of bench that the hulking guardsman allowed her.

'Some of you may have noticed the unaccustomed visitor in our midst.' There was a surge of inquiry, as the host of elves and beasts turned to stare in Avery's direction.

'For those who have not yet made her acquaintance, this young maid is Avery Shaw, the mortal who outwitted the outlaw Puck and recovered the stolen Teylu Cup, just in time for the ceremony tomorrow. She is here at the request of Lady Elouan and is our honoured guest this Canol Haf. Please join me in welcoming the heroine of the hour, Miss Avery Shaw.' The room swelled with a crescendo of cheers, screeches, and howls as the Soudard Gwer applauded her. Avery stood up, feeling flushed and very self-conscious, and bowed in acknowledgement. When she sat down again, the mighty, warrior quickly shuffled up to make more space, nodding his grizzled head at her with tacit approval.

'And now it is time to get to work. The Protectors and their retinues will arrive on Island Green at the foot of Heron Hill. We will gather with the rest of Lord Riwal's court to greet them, after which the Kindred Rade will begin. We will march in procession to Seren Cross Hall where the feast will commence, followed by the usual entertainments; mummery, music and, of course, dancing. Following tradition, the merrymaking ends at the break of dawn on Midsummer's Day, whereupon each Protector will mark their bond with a draught from the Teylu Cup; this will conclude the celebration of Canol Haf for another year. Are there any questions?' The warriors muttered amongst themselves and shook their heads.

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