"A 'normal' day at Wellston"

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•Chapter 2•

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Chapter 2

(Y/n) gave up on finding her classroom, so she decided to sit down and relax a bit...or that's what she thought

Just when (Y/n) was about to listen to her favorite song, she saw a boy crouching out of the bushes

'okay that's not weird at all', (Y/n) watched the boy looking angry at someone

She turned to the direction the boy was looking at, to find out he was looking at John

'oh no, he's in trouble', (Y/n) thought

The boy rushed to John and grabbed him by his shirt

"Got you, you little b*tch!! I've got a bone to pick with you!!", he shouted

"Hey, is this about earlier?", John seemed relaxed. "I thought we were over that already. Come on, let's forget about it and make up, okay?"

"You threw me out the window!!", Stone boy shouted

"And you broke my arm, so let's just call it even", John responded

'oohh, sassy', (Y/n) laughed at how calm John was

"Shut your filthy mouth!!", the boy was about to punch John

'oh no you don't', (Y/n) quickly rushed over and defended him

"Hey, what do you think you're doing!?"

"Defending my friend, dumbass", (Y/n) said

She punched the boys' stomach

"Aghr!! You b*tch", he was about to punch her

"Stop", (Y/n) said and just like that, he stopped. "Now leave us alone, you're just making a drama over nothing"

"Yes - sorry - about - that", the boy walked away, leaving them alone

"Okay, what did I miss?", A girl with purple hair and some green strings stood there

"Woah, what was that!?", John looked at (Y/n)

"I'll explain that later, we should get out of here before he comes back", (Y/n) said

The three left the place and decided to go to the roof top

"Woah, (Y/n) that was so cool!!", John looked amazed

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