"lunch bag threat"

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Who would've thought! I'm back haha
I hope I can manage to update this story, even if it takes me some time ;)
Also I really apologize if this chapter seemed kind of disconnected from the rest, I think I found the chapter where I stopped, but I summarized a lot just to get an easier start back into writing
Hope you like it nevertheless!



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•Chapter 19


The past few weeks at wellston could only be described as stressful and dreadful. The feeling I had had a month ago, laughing and joking with Remi, Blyke and Isen, as well as joking with John and annoying Arlo by just existing near him, all those feelings were in the past

Remi seemed strangely reserved and distant, even though we lived in the same dorm. Blyke and Isen only talked to me if Remi was around, so I almost never spoke a word to them

Arlo was just being Arlo, but I couldn't blame him from staying away from me, since I was still close with John

And John...I had found out about his ability, but I still didn't know even a small part of the true John. Because seraphina was back, he went back to acting "normal" and the whole ability subject went forgotten

And seraphina? Well, she was getting adjusted to being a cripple. Her ability still hasn't come back and now the whole school knew about it, so it would only get more difficult from now on

Like I said, everything right now was just... stressful

Sera, John and I planned on meeting on the rooftop today to practice some martial arts. John wanted Sera to learn as much as she could, so she could defend herself like he always did

I sat down with my sandwich and watched the two. Sure, I could probably use some training as well, but I always felt like observing helped me develop my skill better than actual fiscal contact

"You've had combat training before, right? I assume all high-tiers would at some point", Johna asked Sera

"Yeah, my parents assigned me an instructor when I was young, but I haven't practiced since early grade school", Sera sighed, "once my ability started developing, I was forced to put all my efforts on my ability mastery instead"

I listened to her, nodding. It felt like all parents seemed to focus on our abilities when they develop, as if nothing else truly mattered

"Endurance, focus and pain tolerance: those were the only qualities I worked on", Sera looked away, sighing, "so much for that..."

I knew she was having a really hard time accepting her current condition. From Ace to cripple, it must've felt terrible

"Her, cheer up", John smiled at her, "I'll get you refreshed and caught up in no time!"

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