Chapter 26

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Seth POV:

I crack an eye open and try to adjust to the lightness in the room. The sun is shining brightly through the curtains and it momentarily blinds me. My heartbeat stops for a second when I catch some icy blue eyes staring at me.

"D-Dean!" I move away and hold my head, not knowing how to react. I look around the room before turning my attention back to him, "How did I end up here?"

"Hmm... The ocean brought you here." He says and ruffles my hair. He leans into me and presses a kiss on my forehead. "How are you feeling?" He asks and looks into my eyes.

"I'm fine," I mumble and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I avoid looking at his eyes because I know what everyone will ask at this time usually. I play with my fingers as I watch him go to the bathroom without asking any questions to me.

I'm glad he doesn't bother me, but I should know what happened last night after I passed out in the ocean. What had happened during the night was incredible, but it left me very confused...

I get up from the bed and try to move but I can't so I fall on the floor. I feel my body is weak and aching everywhere. To make it even worse, he steps into the room and trips over, landing on top of me.

He looks a bit surprised, but he doesn't move. "Hey, why are you laying here?" He purrs, looking deep into my brown eyes. He then notices the pain in my face without I'm telling him, so he rolls off me.

We sit on the floor and look at each other until he decides to move and pulls me up from the floor. He makes me sit on the bed and grabs my hand, "Why did you try to commit suicide again by telling us that you were going home?"

"Just like I told I went home, not tried to commit suicide," I tell him the truth and I know he can't believe my words. Who can blame him? Even if I'm in his state, I will never believe my words.

He bites his tongue and glares at me for a second before crossing his arms, "Okay, then how did I find your body on the shores of the sea?"

"I don't know," I spill the truth again. I'm seriously don't know what happened after I passed out. He told me that he found me on the shores of the sea, but I didn't know how I was there. I'm still surprised by how I'm alive.

"You just make me sick, Seth." He interrupts my thought and runs his fingers in my hair. He brings me closer to him and wraps his arms around me, clinging onto me.

It grieves me so much and makes me feel that I'm not worth his caring. I remember his words that we are in each other's arms if his love is true for me and let out a laugh as a single tear sheds on his shoulder.

Now I feel like this moment is worth way more than my intention. I feel like staying here, in his arms, is worth more than anything else in the world. "I love you, sweetheart. I love you more than myself." He whispers in my ear and it makes me cry even more.

I'm exhausted. I'm hurt. But as much as I want to blame all these reasons for my sudden wave of emotions, I can't. I can't deny the fact that I'm crying because of him. Because he always cares about me a lot, even if I shove him away.

I regretted the love for him with the thought of wanting to be a merman again when I jumped on the ocean, but it was no use. As I fell from the ship, my mind dived back to him and made me realize that I'm nothing without him.

He moves away from me slowly and cups my face, wiping a few of my tears with his thumbs. "Don't do this stupid thing again." He says, but I look away. He forces me to look back at his eyes and waits for my answer.

I nod slowly and think about it of how many days it will be true. I really want to stay with him and I know it will never happen because it is against nature. My parents won't accept my love for a human because they have no good impression of them.

I snap out of my thoughts when he asks, "Do you want to go to Paige's house now?"

I don't know if she is mad at me or not so I need to make sure before getting ready to face her. When I'm about to talk to him, he pulls me with him again and says, "Nah, just forget that question. You were spending way too much time with her so I think you should spend more time with me."

I shake my head and laugh a little. My head is still hurting like hell, but I can't help. There is a hole in my heart and he is filling it without taking many steps.

"Do you want to hang out?" He asks with a huge smile on his face.

"Nah... I need to take some rest. I'm really exhausted." I hold my head and move away from him to lean against the headboard.

He sighs and lies on the bed with his hand under his head. He pulls me with his other hand and makes me lay next to him. This is surreal. And I'm dreaming for sure. I'm really in his bed, am I?

The silence fills the room, but it isn't awkward. It is just good. It just feels right. I look at him when he places his hand on my cheek and rolls over to lay almost on top of me.

My palms are getting sweaty and my heart starts to beat faster as we stare at each other. I've not been intimate with someone before. He is getting closer to me and the anticipation is killing me. He closes the distance between us quickly and crashes his lips onto mine.

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him, pressing his chest against mine. I can feel his heartbeat as he runs his hand in my long wavy brown hair. Last night's result was bittersweet, but I'm happy to be with him in the end. But still, I have a question in my mind about what I want to be. A human or a merman?!

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