Chapter 23

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Seth POV:

I chew my nail as I think about the way that I need to find out to reach the sea, readying to sacrifice my soul. Everything is okay except jumping into the middle of the ocean. How can I go there if I'm not a merman anymore!

I tug my hair in frustration until Paige slaps my hand and lets me leave my hair. I smooth my hair and show myself relax as she approaches me. "What's going on in your mind?" She asks and looks at me carefully.

"Nothing. I just feel bored." I convince her and brush my hair one last time.

"Shall we go to Casanova?" She asks with some plan in her mind. If she approaches me to go somewhere, there will be some reason behind it and that must include Dean and her lovely boyfriend Roman.

I don't know what is Casanova but I have to go out to find a way for my goal. It's already getting dark outside, but I don't mind this time to go with her. I nod and offer a hand to her.

She gets surprised and takes my hand before leaving the house. Roman and Dean join us outside the house to make the night to remember for everyone. She tells me the club is outside of the tourist zone so we can take two cars to make it there.

I accept and get along with her, knowing already where I end up. I'm with Dean while she takes her ride with her boyfriend. I'm so nervous to be in the presence of him because I'm getting myself into trouble and ruining both of our life. There is no way to back up if we fall into the risk.

During the ride to the club, I try to avoid talking with him but he doesn't let me. He is busy talking with me about the excursion that he went with Roman a few months ago. He tries to get my attention and teases me by sticking his tongue out, making me laugh.

He places his hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently, "Just imagine baby, how good it will be if we are sitting in the back of the car and make out a few minutes!"

I look at him with wide eyes and swallow hard, thinking about what he said. I feel emotionally wrap up by him so I say nothing. I don't want to see the hurt in his face because maybe it will be the last time we can together.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable." He reassures me and gives me a soft smile.

I look out the window and think about the way I have felt inside for him. I always have a distinct feeling when he is kissing me... when he is hugging me... it is incredible. I try to remind myself that he is a human and I'm going to leave in a couple of days. Yeah... The full moon is coming in a couple of days!

When we reach the destination, I get out of the car follow by him. I look around the place and wait for Paige and Roman to arrive here. "Damn, you look so hot!" I turn to look at Dean when I hear his voice and he is leaning against his car and stares at me.

My cheeks flush by his comment and I try not to fall for him further. However, I try, I can't stop staring back at him so I do. Images of what I need to do if I want to be a merman again comes to my mind and divert my attention off of him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks curiously.

"Can't tell." I shake my head and try to be careful with him.

"Come on.." He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him.

"Future!" I whisper so low that nobody else can hear it but he hears it somehow and smiles, taking it in another way.

"Yeah... In our future, we are like this in each other's arms and make this ocean scream our love whenever it crashes onto the rocks. Even if we die, our love will never fade!" He says and I stare at him with so many emotions in my heart.

We pull away from each other when Paige and Roman finally show up a few minutes later. We share a look at each other before making our way into the club. The music is so loud that I can't even hear my own thoughts, but it is sublime music at least.

I look at Dean when he slaps my butt and winks at me as he passes over me. I glare at him but he doesn't care about it and takes his jacket off, showing his chiseled arms to the world. I turn to look at Paige when she tells me that she will go with Roman to the bar to order the drinks.

Dean comes closer to me but stops when a man blocks his way and talks to him, "Hey, dude. It's good to see you here."

"Same to you, man." He gives the man a friendly hug and chats with him. He gratitudes Paige when she returns with drinks and gives him a shot. He takes the shot and wrinkles his face as he talks to the man, "It's not that good, man!"

"Don't worry, dude. There are some excellent stocks coming in the ship from Jamaica and it will reach here in a couple of days. If you want, just come here to try the fresh stocks after two days. You need to wait for the wonderful things, dude!" The man laughs and claps his hand on Dean's shoulder.

As I hear their conversation, something gets in my mind and makes me think about the ship which will reach here in a couple of days. I snap out of my thoughts when Paige hits me with the glass and gives it to me.

I get the glass from her and sip half of the drink in one gulp as I go back to the thought. I spit for its bitter taste and rub my throat when I feel a burning sensation there. "What's this?" I ask her and give the glass back to her.

"It's tequila, sweetheart." She laughs and takes a sip from my glass. She then jumps and hooks her hand with Roman to go to the dance floor.

I shake my head and try to leave, but I can't because the crowd is too much here. I have no other way than following her because I feel uncomfortable and I don't want to get into any trouble tonight.

I make my way through the crowd and try to walk with her closely, not wanting to miss her. I gasp when Dean appears suddenly in front of me out of nowhere. He smiles and grabs my hand, taking me to the dance floor.

I look around as people surround me are dancing to the music and him as well. "I thought you didn't dance!" I whisper in his ear, making sure he can hear my words through the music.

"It's not dancing, baby. It's just head-banging. Not the same thing." He laughs and takes a sip of his beer. He just enjoys his time like every other does.

The night goes on and everybody enjoys their time. Paige is pretty drunk, and she seems to have a lot of fun with her boyfriend while I look for her. Even in the crowd, I notice Dean's hand brush against mine twice while he is dancing and I know he does it on purpose.

My heart flutters every time when he touches my skin, but I try to comfort myself. "I want to fuck you." He whispers in my ear suddenly, only for me to hear.

My breath hitches in my throat and I stare at him, not knowing what happened to his brain. At first, I was not sure if I had heard right, but the grin on his face let me know that it was really what he said.

"I want to hear you scream my name.." He continues. "I want to make you mine. I want this entire world to hear you spell my name while I fuck you.."

I feel uncomfortable as he continues to whisper dirty things to me. I can't take it anymore, even if he talks to me like this because of that alcohol. I have to go outside because I need some fresh air to breathe.

I go outside, walking a bit further and lean on the wall behind me. I need to sort my thoughts but before I can do any of it, Dean appears in front of me and kiss me. We stare at each other until our friends approach us to go back home.

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