Chapter 14

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Seth POV:

The dinner table and dinner look great. I have really done a good job and that surprised me a little because I helped Paige with the cook by cutting the vegetables. In my world, we don't know about the fire so we just eat the seaweeds and sea plants raw. But in this human world, they cook everything before eating.

I tried to taste some vegetables raw, but it was bitter and sour so I just left it. This human world is entirely different from my world. Also, the character of humans is different from one another and it's difficult to find a good person here.

I sigh and look over at Paige when she posts the photo of the dinner on her Instagram with the caption saying, "Surprise dinner for our boyfriends!"

"Boyfriends!" My smile fades because I thought the dinner is for us but she told on Instagram that it is for our boyfriends. "Wait, what? Our boyfriends!" I know she has a boyfriend Roman but whom she has mentioned the other.

As I'm in deep thought, she calls me to help her clean the kitchen so I just let the thoughts away and help her with it. She then tells me to get ready before people get over here for dinner.

I feel frustrated as I go to my room, not wanting anyone to come here at this time. I don't know how much time people will take to leave this house if they come. I need to see my friends today, not wanting to miss them again.

I grab clothes from the closet and put on tight black jeans with a white buttoned-up shirt. I let my hair lay upon my shoulders and sit on the bed, looking down at my bare feet and rub it slowly as I think about my tail.

"Seth? If you're ready, then just come out." Paige calls out from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I sigh and stand up from the bed, walking over to the door to swing open. I see her standing against the wall with her arms crossed. I notice the heavy makeup on her face as she dressed in a sleeveless top and a miniskirt.

She grabs my hand when the doorbell rings and drags me with her. We go to the door to open it, finding who's on the other side. As soon as the door opens, I find Dean in dark blue jeans and a green buttoned-up shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

His friend Roman waves a hand at Paige and pushes past him to get inside. Dean winks at me as he steps inside. I shake my head and realize what will happen next. I guess I can't see my friends again.

Dean POV:

As soon as Seth's eyes laid on me, I wanted to run and hide somewhere because his sexiness almost made me feel a little less attractive. Usually, I thought of myself as a good-looking person. But in front of him, I feel nothing. His hair is freely laying upon his shoulders and it makes me want to touch and feel the softness of it.

I winked at him and got inside once my breathing rhythm got normal. He walks with Paige and Roman as we go to the dining table. I notice the nervousness in his body as he sees the only seat beside me that is available for him.

I get up from the chair to relieve the tension in him and make him sit on the chair before turning my attention to them. "You guys sit down and I'll do the service," I say and earn a smirk from Roman.

I vanish into the kitchen and warm up the pot with the soup in it to get a small bowl ready for everyone. As I enter the dining room again, Roman and Paige are chatting, but Seth seems silent. I place the bowls on the table so we can eat.

I serve every food that Paige prepared for us and notice Seth's reaction every time as I pass by him. His eyes seem glassy as he is in his own world, thinking about something.

I watch him going to the kitchen with his head down. I follow him and lean against the doorway, seeing him putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I pull myself away from the door quickly when he wipes his eyes.

He realizes my presence in the room as he hears my footsteps and pretends to pull out more plates for the dessert. I grab his hand from behind and press him against the wall, searching his eyes to know what is bothering him.

"W-What are you doing?" He stutters and tries to push me away from him.

"Why did you cry when I got inside?" I ask, wanting to know the real reason behind his tears.

He stops wiggling and looks into my eyes with tears, so I let his hand and pull him against me to comfort him. He leans his head on my chest and cries silently as he thinks about something.

I didn't force him and wait for him to spill out something. "I-I missed my parents, my friends, my world, my everything!" He cries out more and holds my shirt tightly.

"I know," I say and soothe his back, trying to comfort him. I pull him away from me and cup his cheeks, "If you tell me about yourself, I'll take you to your parents wherever they are."

"You can't help me into this," He moves and wipes his tears away.

"I'll wait until you have trust in me to tell about yourself," I say, facing his back and let him have his time to recover himself before he comes out of the kitchen. I get the plate from him and leave the kitchen to give it to Paige.

While she puts ice cream on each plate, I see Seth entering the dining room with a fake smile on his face. I can tell whether he smiles truly. I grab a plate and go to him to chill him with the ice cream.

He looks at me and then the ice cream on the plate before shaking his head. "Can't say 'no' to ice cream, sweetheart." I take a spoonful of ice cream and bring it to his mouth, feeding him.

He says nothing and eats the ice cream like a little kid. I'm sure he eats it for me, not for himself or anyone. I won't leave this place with Roman until I bring a true smile on his face. 

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