I'm sorry...

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Salem’s POV

I wake up and my eyes immediately wander over to Kuryen and Sky, they are still asleep. I take in the fact that Kuryen and Damian are cuddled up to each other and clench my fists, lucky bastard. When I pick myself up of the dirty ground I realize how sore I am from sleeping on the hard dirt, I shrug on my worn out gray sweater and pull the hood over my head, it’s a bit chilly I think crossing my arms over my chest. Closing my eyes I let out a deep sigh and stand there feeling the fresh air on my face having my first taste of freedom since…well, I can’t remember. Suddenly I feel a weight hanging off my back and legs wrap around my waist, before I know what is going on my hood is ripped off my head and I am staring into the enchanting blue eyes I have memorized and dreamt about all too often.

“Kuryen.” I grumble trying to hide the smile on my face.

“What? Is Salem not a morning person?” she giggled unwrapping herself from around me and jumping off my back. I turned around and faced her, her hair is in black tangles at her waist and she has a smudge of dirt on her face and lines of crimson on her tan skin.

“Not when I have a spider monkey jump on my back first thing.” I chuckle still looking at her.

“Why are you looking at me like that.” She asked her cheeks lighting up a bright shade of red.

“Oh sorry.” I mumbled scratching the back of my head. I went and sat down beside her on a patch of grass and pulled her onto my lap causing her to tense up, I pushed her long hair away from her eyes putting my finger under her chin forcing her to meet my gaze. “You know, you don’t have to be nervous around me. I’m not going to hurt you.” I whisper resting my forehead on her shoulder.

“I barley know you, how do you expect me to believe you.” She murmured looking away from me. This girl is impossible.

“Then get to know me. I want to get to know you.” I mumble looking down.

“Where did you live before the sun flare?” she asked with grin on her lips. I’m guessing this is going to be the start of a very intense game of twenty questions.

“Detroit Michigan.” I mumble.

“So you’re not Canadian eh?” she said with an obnoxious Canadian accent.

“No, are you?” I ask, I notice she is rocking back and forth. It brings back memories of when we were back in the institute and I first met her, that’s when she told me that she rocks back and forth when she’s nervous.

“Yes, both Damian and I are. We should go see if we can find some fire wood and cook up some food, I’m starving. We can talk on the way.” she said getting up off my lap. We trudge through the tall grass towards the woods. “Do you have any siblings?” she asks snapping branches off dead trees.

“Yes, an older brother named Darian. But he died in the sun flare.” I said flatly.

“It doesn’t seem to bother you that your brothers dead, why?” she murmured glancing back at me. I hate talking about my family; I decide my family isn’t the kind of thing she needs to know about. Mostly because I never had a real family I think with a dark chuckle.

“It’s a long story and not the kind of story that I like to tell.” I say clenching my teeth and snapping a few branches of my own.

“Ok, I understand.” She says with a small smile.

“How about you? Any siblings?” I ask setting down my armful of wood and starting on another pile. I notice that she doesn’t answer me for a long while, when I look back at her she’s just standing there with her arms at her sides.

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