The Truth Comes Out

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Sky POV.

I can feel my body being shaken and I can faintly hear my name being called, which I choose to try and ignore. The shaking and name calling don’t stop for I don’t know how long but it finally wears on my last nerve. I flip my body around to face the person who persists on waking me up.

“What the fuck are you doing!” I exclaim, the power behind my voice makes the person back up a bit. The man standing in front of my bed must be new because everyone here knows not to wake me up unless absolutely necessary.

“I’m sorry I was told to wake you up, it’s almost time for common lunch.” The young man mumbles. The subject of common lunch makes me perk up because I get another chance to see Damian, the second I think his name I remember the girl, Kuryen I’m pretty sure her name is. I remember when I saw them kiss before they left each other in the cafeteria, my heart sinks. I don’t understand what’s so great about her anyway I think feeling a twinge of jealousy in my stomach and I stick my lip out.

“Ok well next time just keep in mind I don’t like being woken up, but now you need to leave so I can get dressed.” I reply a little bit calmer.

“Ok, common lunch will be at 12 o’clock sharp.” He stuttered before turning to leave. Stupid guards, if only they knew I could kick any of their asses at any point. I was in taekwondo for 10 years before that stupid sun flare ruined everything, I had a black belt for god sake and I didn’t just have it because I was in the program for 10 years I had it  because I was good I think to myself smirking. I walk over the my dresser that has all my clothes, most people in here are forced to wear scrubs but I complained and caused a big enough fuss they let me wear the clothes I came here in whenever I wanted. Pulling open the drawer I see my old faded gray skinnies and my dad’s old band t-shirt he gave me completed with my torn apart black converse. I take all three out and put them on feeling more like myself, usually I would have worn my thousand bracelets but they took all of them when I came in here. A dinging comes over the PA system then a scratchy voice.

“Common lunch will begin in ten minutes.” The voice screeches. I don’t even want to go to stupid common lunch I think. I walk over to the door and open it; I’m not waiting for a stupid bell I’ll just go walk around for a bit.

Kuryen’s POV

I can feel myself being poked and prodded with things, I can feel needles being sunk into my skin but I can’t move my body to try and stop the people from hurting me. All I can do is lay there helpless and listen to their voices.

“Scalpel.” A woman voice says bluntly. My stomach feels like it just fell out my butt.

“Device.” The woman voice barked again. What in the hell are they doing to me. I feel something slide across my skin then a warm liquid seeping from the slit on my arm, this part wasn’t bad but I soon could feel something being pushed into the opening and my skin being forced back together. My body feels drugged and my head still hurts, slowly I slip back into the darkness…

Damian’s POV

I walk through the doors to the cafeteria and immediately I scan the crowd for Kuryen who is nowhere to be found. I do zero my gaze in on Sky who is sitting with a boy around the same age as me. To make your way through the crowd here excuse me doesn’t seem to work so I end up throwing some elbow in order to make it over to where Sky is. I slip into the seat across from her and the boy.

“Hey.” I say watching her face light up a bit, she was very pretty, and looking more sane than usual. This girl interests me to no end I think to myself smirking.

“Hey.” She whispered, I glance over at the boy who has a scowl on his face. “Where’s the girl?” Sky asks.

“I was about to ask if you guys have seen her yet because I haven’t, I’m sort of worried about her.” I sigh scanning the crowd once more.

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