Moon Flower Prt17

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The Coming of the Parents.

POV Alex

The day was coming and fast. It was the day before and we were all sitting in the rec room. No one was really doing anything, except sitting on the couch channel surfing. Not even Lori was being active and she is normally on the treadmill.

“You people are such downers” sighed Mark will Dolly at his side.

“We aren’t downers, we are just not in the mood to do anything today” sighed Jason.

“Well normally the last week of September is lively here” said Mark.

“Oh yeah” gasped Dolly “Halloween is coming up!”

“What’s so important about Halloween?” I asked.

“Halloween is like...” Dolly’s face twisted as she thought for the right word “our Christmas!”

“Christmas?” I questioned.

“Yup, there is a big ball held here and we all dress up in masquerade masks!” Dolly’s face lit up just thinking about it. “The girls were big gowns and the guys were a tux.”

“Sounds pretty sweet.” I said.

“It’s the biggest celebration around here” Jason sighed.

“Cheer up Jason,” said Mark “Mum and Dad are coming from England this year!”

“They are?” asked Jason. Panic ran through me. I would finally get to meet Jason’s parents and I was happy and terrified.

“Yeah Mom sent me an e-mail” said Mark. “Didn’t you get on too?”

“Haven’t checked my e-mail in weeks” Jason chuckled.

“Go then” said Mark. Jason pushed me off him and walked out of the room grumbling to him about the internet being to high tech.

POV Jason

I sat at my desk in my room and booted up my laptop. While I waited for my computer to boot up my mind wondered to Alex and my parents. I knew that my parents wouldn’t approve of Alex because she isn’t some stuck up snob but they had to. They gave me their word years ago. My computer booted up and I opened my e-mail. There were only two new messages; one chain mail and one from my mom. I opened my moms first.


Your father and I are coming down for Halloween. We will be helping with the counsel and organizing the ball! I can’t wait to see you and your brother!

Please keep in mind that you always have the chance to come back to England with us. You father really misses your brother and you. I do too. We understand that you both have girlfriends now and you wouldn’t want to leave them. But still keep it in mind.

Love, Mom

England, I don’t want to move. If I did my parents would make me marry some rich snob! If I wanted life my way I would have to stay here, even though I do miss my parents. My mom is always full of energy and my dad is always giving me the advice I need.

I already had a reason to stay and that was Alex but I wanted to make that permanent.

POV Alex

Dolly giggled at Mark’s horrible joke but I just rolled my eyes. We were now watching a movie on the TV while we waited for Jason to get back. He came back halfway through the movie and him and Mark talked back and forth about their parents. Each time they were mentioned I would get a lump in my throat and butterflies in my stomach. I didn’t really know why I was getting so nervous about something so mundane as meeting the parents. Look how many other people I have met with more power then Jason’s parents. Then it hit me; I didn’t even know what Jason’s parent do or how much power they really have.

“What do your parents do?” I asked Jason and Mark.

“They are on the big counsel” said Mark. “The one that deals with the more important things. Come to think of it I don’t know why that counsel wasn’t on you case.”

“I see” suddenly the lump in my throat grew and I saw Dolly wiggle uncomfortably beside Mark. It was good to know I wasn’t the only nervous one around here.


I think I will be postin a teaser for NIGHTSHADE soon so keep an eye out!

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