Chapter Nineteen: Prudence for Miracles

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Hi Everyone! I'm terribly sorry for updating so late. I was too distracted for this past weeks that I haven't realized it's been a month since I last updated and checked my account. Honestly I was itching to update but I have a lot on my hands right now so I wasn't able to check any online accounts of mine. I really apologize for all of this. Please enjoy this chapter though. Also, I updated the next chapter for my on-going work: Joining Hands: Allies and Foes". Kindly check and read it as well for me please. I hope you will all enjoy this and it will be appreciated very much if some of you will like and comment. Lastly, I dedicate this chapter to Anipad_Princess.



 “Will we be able to get out of this stinking place before they blast us?”, Gajeel asked.

“They have to make it or else we’ll all die”, Erza said.

“That is one ominous statement”, Kyouka said.

“Hey, why don’t you use your magic to make it happen?”, Natsu asked.

“What do you mean?”, Taiga asked.

“I mean, make her say, stop time or something”, Natsu scratched his head.

“Idiot, it doesn’t work that way!”, Yuuya angrily said.

“That would be helpful if that’s possible”, Wendy said.

“I’m sure they’ll be able to do something”, Gray said.

“As long as Gray-sama is with Juvia I don’t care if this is my last moment being alive!”, Juvia hugged Gray tighter.

“Oh boy, things are getting steamy”, some Silent Reaper members said.

“What....”, Charle was frozen stiff.

“Charle?”, Wendy and the others looked at her.

“Princess”, Virgo said.

“Virgo? What are you still doing here?”, Lucy was surprised. She didn’t go back to the Spirit Realm after treating Romeo, Wendy and Kyouka.

“There’s something we have to do”, Virgo told them.


Magic Council...

“We shouldn’t waste another minute”

“We gave our word to wait two hours”

“Fifteen minutes more and it will be two hours!”

“We can’t just do it since the King has asked us to wait”

“If we wait, it may have been too late! The mountain holding that cursed mist crumbled an hour ago! The mist started spreading ever since! If we wait it will spread and annihilate everything in its path!”

The Council members were arguing about Ranburin’s case. They still haven’t heard about Fairy Tail’s success in stopping Silent Reaper’s plans.

“Enough! We have a duty to fulfil, the sooner we settle this matter, the better. Sacrifices were always made in accordance to many victories. We have to do it”

“If no one will do it, I will!”, one member started to run to the control room to push the needed trigger for Etherion to fire.

“No!”, some tried to stop him but with his gap, they won’t make it.

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