Chapter Eight: The Will To Protect

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Hi everyone!!! I was actually happy right now's the new update for the far I've been getting good news and happy moments are crashing into me so I'm definitely in a very good mood...I sure hope my blessings won't run out....anyway, who among you guys want a sequel from "Catching A Dragon Slayer's Heart"?......If you guys want me to post it in an earlier date, just post your request (more like complains) in either this chapter's comment box, my inbox, or in my wall okay??? I'll be waiting!!...I dedicate this chapter to iesha714...please enjoy reading!!



“Darn those brats”

“What should we do now?”

“They’re smarter than we give them credit for”

“I actually thought they went this way”


“Hey! There are two paths in here”

“They could have gone through one of this”

“That bratty master we have. She will definitely be angry with us”

“Hey look, there’s a tie!”

“This could be from that Sky Dragon Slayer we’re looking for”

“So they’ve gone left?”

“Wait….this is a trick”

“How can you tell?”

“Those kids are smart. They wanted us to think that they go through here but in truth, they went the other way. These tricks are always handy for these situations”

“So, they entered the right side of the path?”


“Then let’s get some Fairy heads!”

End of Flashback

“They went left?!”, they all shouted out and went back inside the tunnel.


“WHAT? You actually left Wendy’s hair tie on our path?”, Charle was shocked.

“Ummm, doesn’t the trick go the other way around?”, Wendy asked.

“Exactly. But everyone knows that trick. I gambled on making them think that we left it on the other side we went through”, Romeo explained.

“And you read that kind of strategy on Lucy’s book?”, Wendy asked.

“Amazing. This is the first time I can actually think that Lucy’s strange ideas are helpful”, Happy said in awe.

“I got to say, she is smart”, Charle smiled. “But for you to use it this effectively is awesome too”

“Anyway we have to keep hiding”, Romeo said.

They reached the end of the tunnel.

”This place is…..”, Happy looked at their surroundings.

“Must be the other end of the town. It doesn’t look like the port though”, Romeo replied.

“Ohhh, look at that”, Happy noticed something on the ground. Wendy kneeled and took one.

“Mushroom?”, Romeo asked.

“I guess. They’re so cute!”, Wendy squealed with excitement.

“It doesn’t look like it’s edi….”, Romeo’s words were cut off when….

Tales of an Adventure: Behind Every Man's Courage (Independent Book Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz