Chapter 16

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The next morning, Wanda woke up early to get ready for her long trip. Today was finally the day. The wait had made her so anxious that she barely got any sleep that night, her mind would always wander to the worse. For example, she could go off and level the whole place like she did in Sokovia. If Pietro's voice wasn't in her head at the moment then she's sure that she would've destroyed her home. She had asked if they could leave earlier than usual just so she didn't have to face her other teammates. Yes, the point of going was to be able to face them once again but in this moment she wasn't ready to yet. As she changed into the clothes she had left out the night before, her eyes traveled to the picture which was sitting on her nightstand. She put on her shirt and walked to it, taking it in her hand as she sat down on the bed.

Her beloved brother.

As much as she wanted to take the picture of them with her, she decided to leave it. The little picture of their family, which he used to carry around with him, was already in her jean pocket. She swore to always carry it with her, no matter what. Even though it would always hurt more to look at it, she always did, every single day.

There was a light knock on her door, pulling her out of her heavy thoughts. Wanda put the picture down before going to open the door. "Hey, Maxi. You ready?"

She looked behind her to see the soldier in her bed. "Just a moment."

The assassin nodded before walking away. Wanda turned back to look at Bucky's sleeping figure. He wanted to stay the night and she let him. With him there it felt like all her worries just washed away. The way he held her made her feel safer than Pietro ever could. It made her heart ache to leave him but she knew that she had to get better. So she made her way to him to look at his face one last time but when she did she saw as he clenched the pillow hard with a pained look on his face. Wanda ran her hand over his cheek, brushing the loose hairs away as she let her hex flow into his mind. Soon enough his grip loosened and he was sleeping peacefully again. With one more look she placed a kiss on his cheek, went to grab her backpack, suitcase, and guitar case, and then left the room quietly.

"Want anything before we go?" Clint asked as he closed the fridge holding his cup of coffee.

"No, thank you." He gave her a look but just pushed it aside and motioned for her to give him her suitcase. "No, that's okay. I can pull it by myself." The archer walked up to her to reach for the suitcase but Wanda just pulled it back. "I am capable of pulling my own things, thank you for offering but, no." Nothing else was said between the two as they made their way to the jet where Natasha should be waiting for them. The tension began to slowly weigh her down so she spoke. "I'm sorry for snapping like that. It was rude of me to do so."

"No, you're right. You're capable of pulling your own weight," he glanced at her momentarily, "but the thing is, you don't have to."

She let his words sink in for a moment. "Ever since Pietro died, i had to learn how to do things by myself without him helping me or even calming me. Whenever i have a panic attack i have to constantly remind myself that he won't be there to comfort me, when i wake up from my nightmares i've learned to calm myself down on my own. There are so many things that i have had to change inside to survive. So forgive me if i'm used to living as if i've been alone my whole life."

Her paced quickened a bit, startling him at first. The way she spoke to him shocked him, knowing that she had never spoken to someone that way. As if she was saying that they have no right to say the things that they did but as he thought about it, she was right. He didn't know everything she had been through, only what he's heard.

When they finally got to the jet, Nat was already strapped in and ready go. "Everyone set?" She looked at Clint as he sat next to her, not making contact. Nat could tell something was wrong but didn't want to press while Wanda was here, trying to make sure the flight was as calming as possible for her. "You ready, Maxi?" Her eyes looked at hers to find her trying to even her breathing. It didn't take a genius to know that she was about to have a panic attack. The assassin knew how overwhelming this might feel to her so, in one swift motion, she got up out of her seat, walked towards her before kneeling in front of her, placing her hand on top of Wanda's.

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