Chapter 5

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A few hours had past until Bucky woke up. Sam has the idea to tie him up but since they didn't have anything to use Wanda used her hex. The others had gone to sleep a while ago leaving Wanda to keep watch.

Bucky looked up to find her looking back at him. "Who am i speaking to?" She knew he was back but she just needed to make sure.

He smiled at her. "I think you already know." His expression then changed. "Did i hurt you or anyone?" She let go of him and searched his mind. She sighed in relief when she saw that no one was hurt but then her eyes widened when she saw that Costel was taken. She went in deeper to find out by who but was met by a different memory.

There was a man standing in front of him who looked like Rumlow but she knew it couldn't be possible since he was killed by the bomb. "Tell the witch that if she wants the boy alive, she better turn herself in."

Wanda then left his mind and stood. "Wanda, what did you see?" He stood and went to her.

"They took him..." she whispered. He put his hands on her cheeks but she shook her head. "They took him. They took Costel." Her breathing quickened as she took a step away from him. "I knew this would happen. I should've just erased that they ever saw me then maybe Costel would be okay. You shouldn't have ever brought them here." She leaned on a tree and tried to calm down but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, a serge of her powers coursed threw her making her eyes turn red as well as her veins.


"I'm fine," she rubbed her head and closed her eyes. "I'm okay, i just need to calm down." She took a breath and turned to Bucky. "Do you remember what happened before?"

He thought for a bit before realizing something. "They ambushed us when we were still a good distance away from the town. I can't remember anything after that." He watched as the red in her veins vanished and pushed herself from the tree.

"They want me. No one else needs to get hurt if i just turn myself in."


"This isn't up for debate, James."

"Yes it is. We could come up with a plan that could save you both."

"With what? We don't have anything. The closest thing we have to a weapon is me and i don't have time to sit here and argue about this." She walked past him but he grabbed her arm. "James, please don't make me."

He knew that she'd never forgive herself for it but he wasn't letting go. "If you're really going to do this then i'm going with you."

She agreed which made him let go but as soon as he did Wanda's eyes turned red and she entered his mind. "Sit down and go to sleep." It took a moment but he did as he was told. Wanda looked at him one last time before leaving. There was no need for her to take a break since she knew that once she was back there would never be time to rest.

It took about thirty minutes until she found them. Guards surrounded her ready to fire but she slowly put her hands up showing no threat. Rumlow went up to her and smiled. "Say it."

She looked at him in spite. "I surrender."

"Hell yeah you do." He began to walk away as the guards came and put shackles around her wrists.

"Let him go."

Rumlow stopped and spoke into his walkie. "Release the kid." Soon they brought him out along with Claudia. "Guess what kid? You're free. Can't say the same for your mom though."

Wanda watched as they released Costel but not Claudia. "Let her go! This wasn't part of the deal."

He let out a deep laugh. "I think you've got it sideways, witch. I said that if you turn yourself in then i'd let the kid go, not the mom." Her eyes widened at his statement. Before she could try anything they put an inhibitor collar on her.

"Please don't hurt her. I'll come with you quietly if you let her go," Claudia pleaded.

"Ugh if i had known having you both would give me such a headache then i would've just killed you. Let her go too." The guards released her as Rumlow pulled out his gun. "Well it's never too late." He aimed it at Claudia and shot her in the back.

"No!" Wanda screamed. Costel ran to her as she hit the ground. "You son of a bitch!" Her eyes turned red but as they did it activated the collar which sent a shock through her.

"Let's pack it up. It won't be long before they realize she's gone." He began to walk to the jet until he heard rustling coming from the woods. "Shit, they're here!" He looked around before his eyes landed on Costel who was holding his mother. Rumlow went to him and grabbed him, aiming the gun at his head. As soon as he did he saw the Avengers emerge. "Come any closer and i'll send a bullet through his skull." He cocked the gun once. "Hurry up and get the witch on the jet," he ordered.

At that moment none of them knew what to do. If they tried anything Costel would die but if they didn't then they would have Wanda. Once they hand Wanda on the jet it began to take off. They watched as Rumlow pushed him off just as the cargo door was closing. And that was the last time they saw her.


The next thing Wanda knew, she was back. Back in the same cycle. She was shocked over and over again for God knows how long. They hung her on the wall and beat her and didn't stop until they almost drew blood. She was harassed, assaulted, and tortured for what felt like weeks.

They gave her food every three days. She showered at the end of every week. Never got one single change of clothes. If she bled in them they wouldn't give her new ones. She'd just have to deal with it.

The nights were always the worst. Her magical seizures never stopped which made sleeping even more difficult than it already was. Her nightmares were just the icing on the cake. For the cherry on top was the fact that it was always so cold. She thought that she could handle that part but even then it was too much.

One day during a beating, Rumlow came in to talk to her. "How's life treating you, witch?" She lifted her head to look at him. "You know you're only given what you deserve right. We didn't do this to you. You did it to yourself. You cause everyone around you so much pain that i thought that it was time you receive some of your own." He walked up to her and tilted her chin up. "You know, aside from the cuts and bruises, you don't look half bad."

She then spat in his face. "Go. To. Hell."

He wiped it away. "It's more fun when you put up a fight." Rumlow lifted up his hand and slapped her. "Know your place." He laughed at his own statement. "That's right you don't have one. You're worthless."

With that he left and when he did the guards came back in. After there encounter she couldn't really remember much. The days just started to slowly blend together. As the days went on she lost all hope in the others ever finding her. She had finally believed that this is where she was meant to be. She had excepted what she was.


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