Chapter 11

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So this might be a little triggering for some so i've labeled where the triggering might start. When you get to it and decide not to continue on then you may go ahead and wait for the next chapter. As for the song you may play it now if you wish or you can play it when you get to the other labeled part.

A few days passed before Wanda left her room again. She had only ever come out for the food that was left for her and a shower. The night she saw Bucky again kept replaying in her mind. The way he was struggling not to look at her twisted her stomach. Even after, the notes never stopped but she never brought herself to read any of them. Just thinking of what he might have written shook her to her core.

The very next day, however, there was a knock at the door. A small part of her hoped that he had finally come to see but that hope was crushed when Nat's voice came instead. It made her wonder why she'd come see her now after all this time. The assassin spoke but Wanda doesn't remember what she had said. Like her memory was slowly slipping away.

It was coming close to sunrise but she didn't care. She passed by many of the other's rooms only stopping when she got to the elevator. The witch pressed for the ground floor and waited until it was her stop.

Wanda's eyes drifted to the view outside, her lips curling into a small grin before disappearing. When the elevator dinged she walked out making her way to the door. Everything was going smoothly before the A.I system spoke. "Ms. Maximoff, may i ask where you are heading?"

"No, you may not." She tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Maximoff. I'm not authorized to let you step out of the compound without a compelling reason."

Her eyes burned scarlet as she thought of the person who set that protocol up. Stark. Of course. He wouldn't want someone as dangerous as her going out and about. "I need to step out for air. I cannot breath in here. All i wish is for a breath of fresh air." It was silent for a minute before she heard a click. She pushed the door open and walked out, the fresh breeze hitting her face. With a sigh she walked around not really having a specific destination.

About 10 minutes passed when she finally settled on a small hill that had a good view of the trees as well as the sun which was still rising. At this moment Wanda felt calm. Being out here with no minds around felt nice as well as refreshing.

An hour went by when she saw someone approach her.


"Hey," his voice was calm but it made Wanda stiffen. "I know you probably don't wanna here this but, i'm sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you into all of this, it was my mess to clean." They watched the sun rise in silence. It took him a minute to realize that she had been picking at her skin, something she did when she first stayed at the compound. "Old ways won't open new doors."

"Stop." Her words surprised him. Steve turned his head to look at her. Her head was still on her knees but her voice spoke volume. "Stop blaming yourself for what happened. Stop pretending like you know what your talking about. Stop acting like you were there, like you knew everything that had happened to me because you don't. I was beaten, shocked, tortured, raped, assaulted, abused, and so much more. You have no right in telling me that my "old ways" aren't doing me any good because they are. They're keeping me grounded, aware that i'm still here even though i don't want to be. So stop."

(play song now)

Before he could even say anything she got up and left. Her walk back into the compound was anxiety ridden. She had never spoke to Steve like that before and was scared of what might happen, but at the same time she was annoyed. Annoyed that he blames himself when it was her choice to come. No one was forcing her into anything she made the decision herself.

She was so lost in thought that she wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Woah there, Maxi. Slow down." Nat looked at her and saw the tears in her eyes. "Let's get you to your room, okay?" Wanda slowly nodded still trying to stop herself from breaking down. The assassin held her hand as they walked down the halls. When they got to her door Wanda let go of her hand and went inside.

Once she was inside her room she let all of the tears fall. God, she couldn't do this anymore. She thought getting away would help ease her but it just made it worse. Her pain and problems just seemed to follow her wherever she went. There was only one place she knew they wouldn't follow her to, and that was with Pietro.

Everything was easier with him, nothing seemed to hurt her that way when he was around. She needed it all to stop and this was the only way he knew how.


Wanda made her way to her desk to grab her pain meds as well as antidepressants. Her next stop was her drawer which held her bathroom utilities. Her hand searched for her old blade. It was always there when she needed it most and this was one of the times. She looked into the mirror at her own reflection.

Her eyes looked tired, her cheeks were sinking in, as for her face, it was pale with no signs of life.

There wasn't really any thought in what happened next. If you asked her she couldn't remember. Her hand opened up the pill bottles, pouring a good amount of each into her hand. She then put them in her mouth, grabbing her water to make it easier to swallow. The medicine took a moment for it to hit but when it did she felt dizzy. It was enough for a person to OD which was a plan. Though the room was spinning Wanda was still able to grab the blade in her hand.

"I'll see you soon, bratr."


Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Nat we're finishing their training session when FRIDAY's voice rang through. During it though Steve couldn't really focus because his mind was still stuck on his and Wanda's conversation from earlier that morning. "Mr. Rogers, there is an emergency which i suggest you head to right away."

"I'm gonna need a little more than that."

"Wanda Maximoff has just attempted suicide." Everyone in the room froze. "I have already alerted Dr. Cho, she should be heading there now." The two assassins were already out the door before she could even finish.

They ran through the halls pushing agents out of the way as they went through. There was no time to be kind or polite when Wanda was dying while they ran. Luckily the training room was on the same floor as the the living quarters but the only thing was that they were on opposite sides of the compound. By the time they got there no one was around. Bucky tried to turn the nob to open the door but it was locked so he backed up and carefully broke the door in.

When they walked in they froze at the sight. Wanda lied on her floor in a pool of her own blood with wrists bleeding, hair covering part of her face, and foam coming out of her mouth.

As the soldier went to her, Nat stood there frozen not knowing what to do. For the first time in years Natasha Romanoff didn't know what to do other than stare. She moved to the side as Cho and her team rushed in. Everything from that point on seemed to happen in slow motion. Nat ran her hands through her hair and looked at the girl as she was being rolled out on a stretcher. Her eyes drifted back to the blood still on her floor. None of this seemed real right now. With a breath she closed her eyes and slid down the wall. How was she supposed to tell Clint?

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