Chapter 9: Tiny Teacher

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A/N: Made it to over 100 views!!!! Thanks for reading and an even bigger thanks to those of you who've made it this far!!!!!!


Lil Aizawa seemed annoyed at Yamada for being so goddamn loud and furrowed his brows some. Jeez. Use your inside voice. 

"What happened?!" Yamada gasped, looking back and forth between Midoriya and Aizawa. He was just on his way to the 1A classroom to talk to Aizawa and explain that the investigation was gonna start today and that they'd need his help in case he recognized the guy or anything. 

But you can't exactly do that with a child

Midoriya fidgeted with his tie some, "Well, last night Aizawa suggested that I help him go out and find the guy who did this to get him to reverse it.....well.....we found the guy but things went......wrong." He answered, leaving Todoroki out of it since he didn't wanna drag another person down with him. Even though Todoroki did play a part. Not a big part, but a part nonetheless, "But, I think I know how the quirk works at least, to an extent." Deku made sure to add.

Yamada was still staring flabbergasted at little Shouta, who'd finished his poptart and was obviously getting bored, "What'chu lookin' at?" He asked. Staring is rude and he doesn't like being stared at. Though, he usually finds himself staring at other people. Can't help it, he zones out with his eyes fixed on a random spot. Either that, or he's actually 'people-watching' which is like bird-watching except you watch people do stupid stuff. Pretty entertaining. 

"Shouta, how old are you?" He asked, bending down to his height. Aizawa groaned, throwing his head back.

"Why does everyone care so much?!" He grumbled. Why did everybody seem so concerned with his age and asking him a bunch of questions and telling him to do stuff? It's annoying! And why the fuck can't he just go home?! At least it'd be something familiar. Finally, after a bit of angrily sulking, he blew a hard breath, "Seven and a half." He answered, looking back at Yamada. 

Yamada let out a sigh and hung his head.

"I think the quirk cuts a person's age in half." Midoriya pointed out, "Like, Aizawa-sensei was 30 and after getting hit once, he turned 15, and then after getting hit again, 7 and a half." He explained. He probably would've thought it was random ages if Aizawa didn't keep asserting the whole "and a half" thing. Which he's guessing the kid is just doing because it makes him feel bigger and older. Can't blame him. He's a pretty small little guy who seems to tense up when there's too many people around. While at the same time trying to exude an air of confidence and indifference. Kinda interesting to see first-hand what Eraserhead was like at a child and how those things could influence the kind of person he's grown up to be. Especially having the hindsight and knowing what this child would eventually become. If Midoriya had his notebook, he'd be jotting stuff down. But he's quite preoccupied with dealing with this little monster to think about research and such. 

"Stop mumblin'." Aizawa grumbled, seemingly ignoring the whole part where Midoriya said he was 30. And then 15. Since he doesn't remember being a grown up and all. So he just ignored the confusing parts and went straight to getting annoyed by this guy mumbling so much to himself. 

"O-oh, sorry..." Deku quickly said, taking a breath before looking back over at Yamada, "I was just about to take him to Recovery Girl." He told him. 

Yamada rubbed his neck, "No use. When we went yesterday, she couldn't do anything. Said he was in perfect health for his age." He explained, looking back down at Shouta. What if the guy who did this can't reverse it? Like, it's probably more likely that the guy's quirk only cuts people's ages in half. He might not have any kind of "undo" ability. Oh god, that'd suck so much. 

Or maybe we can be optimistic here and hope that this kind of thing will wear off in time. 

Until they find the guy, it's useless fretting over all the unknowns. 

Which reminds him, "Wait, so you saw the guy, right?" Yamada asked Midoriya, who immediately nodded. 

"Yes, but it was dark, and so much was going on......but yes, I think I could recognize him if I saw him." He explained, a determined look growing on his face, "And we checked the police station in the area Aizawa-sensei patrolled and there was a police report apparently. We weren't able to get it, for obvious reasons, but I'm sure you can!" He added, smiling. Yamada felt a tiny bit of relief, smiling right back. So there's a start. They can get a name and face. Good. 

Aizawa was beginning to get real annoyed. He hates when adults and big kids talk about a bunch of stuff he doesn't understand. And the green-haired one keeps mentioning Aizawa's name and calling him sensei. What's that all about? And this blonde guy keeps looking at him all concerned and like he knows him. Aizawa's never met that guy in his whole life! 

"Can we go now?" He asked, yanking on Midoriya's sleeve. He didn't know where they were supposed to be going but anything's better than just standing in the middle of the hallway. 

Deku let out a little sigh, "Yes, sorry." He said, turning back to Yamada, "Please let me help in the investigation, I know I could be of use in it." He told him.

"We'll see." Yamada answered, unsure if he should involve a student in all of this. Though, it may be difficult since he's already involved himself in it, "Now go get your butts in class!" He told them, motioning in the direction they should go. Midoriya nodded and turned to go.

Aizawa stared with narrowed eyes at Yamada for a moment.

"And you be good, Shouta!" He told him. Aizawa frowned. How'd that guy know his name? Tch. Whatever. He turned and began following Midoriya to class. 

Wait, Aizawa doesn't go to school here. And he's obviously not in the same grade as Midoriya. 

So what the hell is he supposed to do all day? 

Guess he'll just nap the whole time. 

Which, little did he know, is what he would've done anyway as an adult.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is a lil short! 

I'd love to hear ideas for the direction you'd like to see this go in! Should Aizawa get reset again? Or would you like to see someone else get reset? Or do you just wanna see more of lil 7 year old Aizawa being a brat lol? It could go a number of ways but I wanna hear what you guys want!

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