Chapter 4: What's Going On?

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It took nearly 4 hours for Recovery Girl to do all the tests she wanted, even getting the help from some of the support students and students who had biology analytical type quirks. 

All of which meant Aizawa was very exhausted and very hungry by the end of it. He'd eaten nothing for breakfast considering he thought, or well, he was late to class. He let out a sigh as he changed into the extra uniform someone brought in for him. It was a little baggy but better than the clothes he had on before. Plus, this'll get him way fewer stares as he walks the halls. Still, it felt strange to know he had technically already graduated here. 

The door slid open, "So what's up, doc?" Yamada asked, poking his head inside. Aizawa slipped on his blazer as he came out from behind the curtain, leaning against the wall. Recovery Girl straightened the dozens of papers of reports and notes.

"There isn't much to say. Shouta is the epitome of health for an average 15 year old." She began, turning to face the others. Yamada rubbed the back of his head with a sigh. "There's practically no sign of a quirk even being used. It's almost as if his body was completely reset by half his age." She went on. Aizawa shuffled awkwardly. He just wishes he could at least remember the rest of his life. Then he'd know who did this to him. And he wouldn't be so completely confused and shocked by everything new around him.

"We gotta turn him back though." Yamada insisted, leaning over Recovery Girl to see some of the pages. Apparently she'd printed out his first year physical exam results from the database that he had to have done back before he even came to UA. Seemed strange to see that old picture and yet see the same face in the flesh. 

"I've tried using my quirk, but there's nothing to heal. My guess is that only the person who did this to him can reverse it." Recovery Girl suggested. Yamada sighed before looking over at Aizawa.

"And I have no idea who did this to me." Aizawa pointed out with a groan. This is such bullshit, "So what the fuck am I supposed to do?" He grumbled. If he's already passed and graduated from UA and gotten his hero licence and everything, he sure as hell doesn't wanna do it again. Yamada brought a hand to his chin and thought some.

"Well, first of all, you should probably move into the student dorms for the meantime.....would be a little strange having a 15 year old in the teacher's dorms." He started, blushing some. Oh god, he still can't believe his boyfriend had this happen to him. They were supposed to go on a date tomorrow night. And Yamada doesn't wanna look like some creep taking a teenager to dinner, "Tonight I can start calling police stations and seeing if any reports came in of similar stuff." He decided with a nod, "Now excuse me, I gotta get to teaching the YOUTH!" He announced, "Or I won't get PAAAAAAAAIIIIID!" And with that he was gone. 

Aizawa sighed, "I guess I'll just follow 1A or whatever...." He stated, shoving his hands in his pockets and heading out to the hallway. He glanced at the clock sticking out from the wall. They're probably at lunch. Thank god

The cafeteria was obnoxiously loud, as usual. As he grabbed a tray and went down the line, the cafeteria workers gave him weird looks but quickly just shrugged it off. Good. He doesn't wanna have to deal with even more questions. God, did he want a nap right now. Luckily, he was able to put his meal on his teacher's tab and shuffled out to find a table. He took his seat at an empty table in the corner of the room and was ready to have lunch in peace when a few students from earlier rushed over to grab a seat.

"So when will you be back to normal sens-Aizawa?" The round-faced girl asked. Aizawa sighed.

"Dunno." He answered simply, taking a bite of his sandwich. 

"Oh, sorry, we should introduce ourselves, I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" She greeted, smiling and offering a little wave.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya!" The green-haired kid introduced, a determined look on his face, "And I'll help you figure out what happened and who did this to you!" He told him. Aizawa just stared and blinked.

"My name is Tenya Iida, and I'd be happy to be of service as well!" The big guy with glasses offered. 

"Listen, I don't know you guys and I don't care." He told them honestly. Just because they were apparently his students didn't mean that they should be bugging him like this. It's annoying. All of the students seemed a little surprised and saddened by his indifference. What, was he not like this before? Or did they expect teenage him to be more energetic or desperate for help? He's not some useless kid. And he's too tired from all this shit. 

"I'm Shoto Todoroki." Came a voice from behind the three. Aizawa let out a long exacerbated sigh. These guys are very persistent. Plus, there was this weird aching feeling within him that wanted to protect these kids and the rest of that 1A class. Which made him a little nauseous. 

"Whatever, yeah, hi, can you guys just please call me 'Shouta' it's weird for you to call me 'Aizawa.'" He asked, taking a drink from his cup. The group's faces lit up some. Even the half-and-half haired kid. The green haired-Midoriya sat down and flopped a notebook onto the table.

"So, I was thinking, you mentioned yesterday that you had patrol, so we need to find your patrol schedule and that should narrow down where we should look for this villain!" He rambled. 

Aizawa blinked, "I didn't ask you to help." He pointed out with narrowed eyes. He doesn't need help from these actual teenagers. Yeah, he technically is one too but he'd rather get help from people he knows. Like Yamada or Oboro. Which reminds him, he needs to ask Yamada about their other friend later. The guy acted weird at Aizawa's question earlier. Of course, he could just get that answer by having this quirk reversed. He sighed, "Okay, whatever, so where do I find my schedule?" He asked, figuring it was in his room or something.

"It might be on your phone." Uraraka suggested, sitting down beside Aizawa. 

"Like.......taped to it??? How can a schedule be on a phone?" He wondered, genuinely confused. The only sort of phone he was familiar with was a landline. Yeah he knew of cell phones like flip phones and such but he never really gave a crap about those things. Probably some fad anyway. A different group of 1A students snickered from a few tables over. That blonde asshole was sitting with them. Once Aizawa is back to normal, he's gonna give that kid detention for the rest of his life. 

"Your cell phone. Like this." Todoroki stated, holding up his little rectangle with a screen. Aizawa's eyes widened and he pulled out his phone from his pocket. Huh. Interesting. He tapped on the screen but a little lock icon showed. 

"Scan your thumb." Midoriya told him, pointing to the little circle at near the bottom. 

"Okay, you guys are fucking with me." Aizawa grumbled, rolling his eyes. This has to be bullshit, right? Fingerprint scanning is from sci-fi movies and shit. He sighed and pressed his finger to it, which immediately unlocked and revealed a screensaver selfie of him and Yamada laying in bed with a fluffy white kitten in between them. He blushed bright red and slapped the phone on the table. The students just kinda coughed awkwardly and looked away. 

"U-uh there should be a calendar icon on the screen." Midoriya stammered. Aizawa forced himself to pick up the phone and look at the icons instead of the background. He found the calendar and opened it, which thankfully filled up the screen.

"Yeah, here, whatever." He mumbled, sliding the phone over. But before he did, he saw something scheduled for tomorrow. "Date with Hizashi" was what it said. Oh god, this is so embarrassing. And incredibly awkward considering the situation right now. 

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch.

Thank fucking god.


A/N: If You'd like, I can draw more doodles to go with the fic in between chapters or of specific instances or situations that you want!

Thanks for reading and please tell me what you think!!!!!

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