Chapter 7: 15 ÷ 2??

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Midoriya felt a sudden wave of panic. Oh no. This all went horribly wrong and their teacher's blessing for this mission is down the shitter. Midoriya is a complete and utter failure. Things could've turned out so great but it didn't and this sucks. 

Todoroki stared down at Aizawa, "Fuck." He stated, very matter-of-factly. That was truly the only thing to say in a situation like this. Midoriya looked up and down the street but that criminal was out of sight. Luckily, now they know what his face looks like, but unluckily, he's gone and has left a further affected Aizawa. 

None of this is gonna turn out nicely for any of them. Todoroki and Midoriya are going to have to go tell Present Mic about this and it's going to be clear they went against the rules and yeah Aizawa is their teacher but, like, only Midoriya out of the three of them has his provisional licence that actually matches his age. And what if that was their last chance to catch that criminal? What if he ditches town knowing the complications he's caused and knowing that his face has been seen? So then Aizawa never gets turned back to normal! So he's gotta live out the rest of his life AGAIN and poor Present Mic will be all lonely without his boyfriend. Which, ya know, honestly everyone in the school knows they're dating and the only reason they haven't married yet is the paperwork and government involvement being too much for Aizawa to bother with. Who's gonna raise Aizawa if he never turns back? It'd be weird for Mic to do it but it would also be weird for Aizawa's own parents to do it again. Wait, are his parents even still alive? Maybe--

"You're mumbling." Todoroki pointed out, placing a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. 

Midoriya blinked a few times before looking up and smiling at Todoroki, "Okay, let's just carry him back." He said softly, putting his arms under Aizawa's back and legs and standing up. He really has gotten smaller. And it just got worse minute by minute. They were back on UA grounds when Aizawa began to stir in Midoriya's arms. He gently rubbed his eye with one of his hands before looking up at Midoriya. 

"Who're you?" He asked softly, his voice much higher and just way more innocent-sounding. He began looking around, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"I'm Midoriya, but you can call me Deku if you want!" Midoriya responded cheerfully, "Um, how old are you?" He decided to ask. Better to figure that out now.

"Mmm....." Aizawa began, the gears in his lil head turning as he debated whether or not he could trust these two, "Put me down." He decided to say. He's a big kid, he can walk on his own. Midoriya gently set Aizawa down and waited for a moment before continuing to walk. Though, it was made a little difficult by the fact that he had to hold his pants up so they wouldn't fall down. And he kept stumbling over his own feet, making frustrated little grunts whenever he did. Midoriya couldn't help but smile. It was just so damn cute. 

"You gonna tell us how old you are?" Todoroki wondered in his normal, flat tone. Midoriya looked over at him and quirked a brow. Not the best at talking to kids, is he?

"No." Aizawa grumbled, glaring up at Todoroki. 


"Don't wanna." 




"It's okay, you don't have to tell us." Midoriya quickly butted in. They'd be going back and forth for the rest of the night if he didn't. Both seemed to huff and look away from each other. Okay, now they're both being cute. 

They got back to their dorm building. Aizawa stood at the base of the steps while the other two began going up, "Where am I?" He wondered. 

Midoriya offered a hand, "We're at the UA high school dorms." He answered.

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