Gale Hawthorne

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Gale Hawthorne: Merry Christmas!

Pita Mellark: I don't celebrate Christmas. . .   you racist

Gale Hawthorne: @Pita Mellark what? I didn't mean to offend you

Cato Demeir: @Pita Mellark yes, but I did

Pita Mellark: @Gale Hawthorne Breadmas is better. (Insert non-existent bread emoji.)

Cyra Merison: ^^ OMG KILL ME PLS

Cato Demeir: @Cyra Merison gladly :)

Gale Hawthorne: @Cato Demeir back the F#CK off

Shawn Wilson: @Cyra Merison all I want for Christmas is you ;)

Gale Hawthorne: @Shawn Wilson I will kill you in your sleep.

Cato Demeir: @Shawn Wilson @Gale Hawthorne ooh can I join?

Glimmer: Guys! Santa got me a mirror for Christmas!

Alia Fletson: @Glimmer I hope you know it will break the second you look at it

Cato Demeir: @Glimmer CAUSE NO ONE LIKES YOU

Glimmer: @Alia Fletson @Glimmer Screw you guys. I love myself.

Caesar Flickerman: I love everyone! *spreads the love*

Cyra Merison: wtf

President Frost: @Everyone Merry Christmas! Now go kill each other :)

Cyra Merison: @President Frost no. f#ck off.

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