Pita Mellark

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Pita Mellark: long time, no bread

Cato Demeir: @Pita Mellark kill yourself pls

Pita Mellark: @Cato Demeir I am a martyr for bread

Cyra Merison: @Pita Mellark do you ever get tired of making bread jokes?

Pita Mellark: @Cyra Merison do you ever get tired of existing?

Cyra Merison: @Pita Mellark well that escalated quickly

Pita Mellark: @Cyra Merison like bread rising in the oven

Cyra Merison: @Pita Mellark OH MY GOD WHY

Pita Mellark: @Cyra Merison I believe you mean **rye

Gale Hawthorne: @Pita Mellark or  **die

Homeless Man: hey guys how's it going

Gale Hawthorne: @Homeless Man it's pretty swell. how's your life?

Homeless Man: @Gale Hawthorne are you kidding? i'm f#cking homeless. my life sucks

Glimmer: @Gale Hawthorne Don't be so insensitive, gosh

Gale Hawthorne: @Glimmer .........

Pita Mellark: @Gale Hawthorne @Glimmer *bread-sensitive

Alia Fletson: @Pita Mellark THAT DOESN'T EVEN WORK

Pita Mellark: @Alia Fletson stop h8ing on my dope a$$ swag yo

Cato Demeir: cocaine is a hell of a drug, kids

Cyra Merison: @Cato Demeir you would know from experience, wouldn't you?

Cato Demeir: @Cyra Merison HAHA YOU'RE NOT FUNNY GO EAT A FISH

Cyra Merison: @Cato Demeir (swims away majestically like a fish)

Alia Fletson: ......aaaaaaand this is why people switched to instagram

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