Cyra Merison

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Cyra Merison: Missing District Four... <3

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Cato Demeir: @Cyra Merison Ooohhhh, and we care because...?

Cyra Merison: @Cato Demeir Get off my status, Cato. -_-

Cato Demeir: @Cyra Merison I hate you. Go die in a hole, Fish Girl.

Cyra Merison: @Cato Demeir That's nice, Cato. You must made my day. I bet you're gonna end up eating people one day... because you have no feelings. WHATSOEVER. Cyra out! Peace!

Cyra Merison has logged off.

Alia Fletson: @Cyra Merison HEY! NOT NICE!

Peeta Mellark: I like having fun with bread. :)

Alia Fletson: @Peeta Mellark That's why your father named you after a loaf of bread. District 12 morons... O_O

Gale Hawthorne: @Alia Fletson GO AWAY, CAREER!

Alia Fletson: @Gale Hawthorne Hahahhahahahahahahahaha. No.

Cyra Merison has logged on.

Cato Demeir: @Alia Fletson <3

Alia Fletson: @Cato Demeir <3

Cyra Merison: @Alia Fletson @Cato Demeir UGGGHHHHHHH! STOP THE LOVE FEST!!!

Alia Fletson: @Cyra Merison Haters... *shakes head*

Cyra Merison: @Alia Fletson OMG... Row your love boat away. Maybe it will sink like the Titanic.

Alia Fletson: @Cyra Merison You say that 'cause you're jealous. Forever alone, Cyra?


Alia Fletson, Cato Demeir, and Cyra Merison have logged off.

Peeta Mellark: @Gale Hawthorne IS IT MEEEEEE????

Gale Hawthorne: @Peeta Mellark No.

Peeta Mellark has logged off.


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