Chapter 27

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The next day me and Jin met at the same café. As normal, we said hello and then started the serious talk.

"So, last night I went into my fathers study and found a key. I looked around and finally found what it opened and now I have some papers."

I said to him while getting out the papers.

Jin: "I also found something I thought you'd like to see."

Once Jin said that, he took out a drawing. It looked exactly how I did when I was younger.

I stared at the drawing for a few minutes until Jin said something.

"I had a dream many years ago and drew what I saw.. it was the same dream I told you about."

I couldn't help but feel a warm sensation in my heart. "He has to be my brother" my heart told me but my mind said otherwise.

I quickly got out of my thoughts as Jin asked to see the papers. I nodded and we both looked at them.

They were adoption papers.

We looked closer and saw my parents names as long with other names I didn't know. I looked up to see Jin with tears in his eyes. I then looked down to see my name on there.

We looked at the second paper. It was a note.

I looked at it and read it out loud.

"We would like to keep our identities anonymous as Kim Y/N grows up. Please take special care of her and don't let her know about us or who she really belongs too. Thank you for accepting her as your own.
-Mr and Mrs. Kim"

I was confused.

Y/N: "My names Jeong Y/N... not Kim..."

I said while looking at the papers.

Jin: "You don't get it Y/N, they changed your surname. But I know that's my parents name.."

Jin said with a stern voice looking right at me.

Y/N: "It could be anyone's parents! So many people have the surname of Kim! And the names are ordinary, anyone could be named that!"

I said to Jin raising my voice with every sentence.

Jin: "You sound like a fool, open your eyes! Can't you see I might be your brother.. the evidence is all here!"

He said with a cold voice making me regret what I said. But I didn't know what to do.

We stayed silent for a few minutes until I finally spoke, looking straight into his eyes with a poker face.

Y/N: "I don't believe you, we need to get a dna test. Then I'll actually believe."

He sighed while nodding in agreement.

I smiled at him and we decided to go in for a dna test the next day.

And with that, we went our separate ways.

But I wasn't done...

I went home and started packing my things until my "mom" came in looking surprised.

"Y/N.... sweetie..."

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