Chapter 18

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Cherry blossom tree

They walked closer to me, I didn't know what to do so I totally froze keeping my eye contact to them.

I thought they would pass me but the pink haired man stopped both of them right across from me.

I was scared.

I've never beed in a situation like this.

I tried to gather my things but the pink haired man raised his voice.

"Hey, Stop it!"

He kept the eye contact.

Then the Yoongi guy talked.

Yoongi: "I'm sorry about him, but please stay. I'm pretty sure you both know each

I looked at him and he looked at me.

I did feel like I knew him but I didn't.

I wanted to try and remember but nothing came up except that day at the park.

"I'm sorry but I don't know him... as much as I want too, I don't."

I didn't like this situation at all.

And they saw that but still chose to talk until they found an answer.

It was silent for a moment until my alarm off. I quickly texted my Eomma telling her I'm safe and went back to reset the alarm.

After that, I went back to keeping eye contact with both of them.

"Why do I even bother.. Yoongi, we both don't know each other but I feel a connection to her."

I heard the pink haired guy whisper.

I spoke up.

"You're really bad at whispering pink haired guy..."

He looked at me and gave a smile.

"Since when did you come up with that name...?"

I looked at him and confronted him.

"The day at the park when I saw your eyes on me. You had pink hair and I remember Yoongi dragging you after a few minutes."

They both were quite.

Now it was more awkward.

But I had to confront him or else he might do it again.

But to my surprise, they laughed.

Now it was me who was embarrassed.

But they quickly stopped and smile at me.

Yoongi: "I'm sorry about that day..."

"Ah... it's totally fine. It didn't bother me that much."

And with that, we started to talk. Not just simple things but also about our life. I told them about how I was a only child and they shared that as well.

It was weird since they were 26 and 27 but I felt a connection.

Plus, Eomma and Appa didn't know so I was fine.

After a few minutes I said my goodbyes and they said happy birthday to me.

We agreed to meet next week on Friday.

Same time.

Same tree.

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