You Will Be Saved

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Mattie stood out on the balcony, she was wearing Douglas's spare fighting gear. She'd been wearing it for two weeks. It reminded her of him. Kept him alive almost, it was the first time she hadn't worn a dress. Mattie sensed the presence of someone else and turned. Elizabeth stood there looking a tad uncomfortable.

"Mattie...that night that Douglas..." She looked down at her feet. "When I took the knife out....I....I found this letter attached to the knife. And I think you should read it." She proceeded to take it from her pocket and placed it on the floor then left. Mattie bent down and picked up the letter. It read:

Dear Anastasia

My Anastasia, I'm sorry. I failed you. That awful day when you fell ill and I vowed to keep you alive, to save you. But I didn't. I searched and searched for a cure but I could find only one the syrum that my Father had created. I begged and begged him for it but he said it was too dangerous. But we had to try did we not? You were already dying it's not like it would have made you more dead. But his mind was made, so that day when I proposed to you and you gave me that lovely ring I made a plan to steal the syrum as I knew I knew it would save you. But I shouldn't of left. Because when I got back you had passed. I felt like my soul had been ripped out, all my goodness taken. They wouldn't even let me see you. Not even let me say goodbye. So I killed them. I killed them all and I'm so sorry I never wanted to hurt anybody but they just wouldn't let me see you. But it was too late my Father had already destroyed the syrum, so I thought. As it happens he gave it to one of his patients a woman un-married and un-loved she was pregnant and dying and he gave it to her. Wasted it on her. And she died but her daughter her daughter lived. Mattie is her name and she got adopted by a fancy woman. I watched her grow up and I knew there was something special about her. I knew it so one night when she was sleeping I cut her and it healed right up. And that's when I decided she would save you. And she will. I'm going to get her and I'm going to use her to save you. My beautiful love Anastia you will be saved.

Love from your Jerome

Mattie found herself crying onto the letter. She left Douglas's room for the first time in two weeks and called the others to the training room.


Romeo sat with Daisy with his patched up wing and everyone else was un-harmed save some minor injuries.

"Everyone." Mattie began. "I know I've been no help since...since Douglas died." Arnie who was wrapped in Carrie's arm's still winced at the mention of his twins name but he was listening intently to Mattie's words.

"But I plan to be now. If you don't mind I'd like to co. own the Empire along with all of you. We were all people who needed to be saved and we were. And there are still people out there who need to be saved. And I know we can do it."

They were all silent for a minuet then Romeo said.

"You're a lot better at making speeches than Douglas that's for sure."

They all smiled and joined in the centre of the room in a warm embrace.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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