Deathly Paradise

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Bitter and heartbroken Douglas wandered aimlessly through the halls and ended up at Rose's office.

"Yes?" Rose called out in answer to the knock at her door.

Douglas entered solemnly.

"Oh, Dougie!" She beamed. "I've been wanting to talk to you about Mattie." The mention of her name made Douglas re-live every painful detail of last night. "I just wanted to thank you really for all you've done to help her, shes turned into quite the warrior."

"Shes not as great as everyone thinks she is." Douglas disagreed bitterly.

"What?" Rose asked making no effort to hide her confusion.

Suddenly angry Douglas spilled. "Its her fault that Felix died!" Rose gasped. Loudly.

"How could you say that? Douglas I did not raise you to place blame on people!"

"Its true though! Jerome told Mattie that people were going to get hurt, he said it was her fault. Shes to blame!" Douglas covered his mouth revolted at what he had just told. He promised Mattie he wouldn't tell. Yet again he had broken a promise.

At the mention of Jerome's name Rose stood up abruptly.

"I'm not going to let Jerome tear my family apart anymore. This is enough."
When Rose said family she didn't mean people related to her by blood. She meant all the children of the Empire Mattie included.


Douglas was appalled with himself. How could he say those things about Mattie? He loved her.

He was polishing his best throwing knife when she walked in. She was as beautiful as ever. Although something was off. She didn't look as clean as usual not as fresh faced. And her eyes had a hint of scarlet. She looked at him trying to be strong but she couldn't handle it.

"Douglas." She whimpered. Her legs gave way and she fell but Douglas was already there to help catch her. "Walter knows. Jerome told him and he called me a freak. He called me a monster." She spat the last word bitterly and cried harder.

"You're not a monster." He coaxed. "And he doesn't deserve you anyway."

"I love you." She revealed. He was about to reply when Arnie stormed in. His eyes were pained and his lips were trembling.

"What's wrong Arnie?"

"Its Mum." He croaked. "She's dead."

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