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Chapter Four : Two Night Stand

Chrissy sat in the inventory room of their boutique listening to music and boxing up online orders getting them ready to ship out .

It was Monday which meant the start of a fresh new week and she was starting the day off productive after spending all of the previous week crying over Reginald and the weekend getting revenge on Reginald .

" Goodmorning sissy , I brought you a frappe from PJ's " Zuri sang as she walked into the room where Chrissy was sitting on the floor.

" Thank you " Chrissy smiled as she took the frappe from her hands and took a sip of it .

" What time did you make it here ?  " She asked as she took a seat on the couch and opened up her Mac Book so that she could edit and upload their latest video.

" About an hour ago , we have almost seven hundred orders that needs to be shipped out so I wanted to get them done as soon as possible " She said .

" want some help ? " She offered .

" No Camari will be here in a minute to help me , you have to get these videos uploaded and then you have to open up the store "

" well before she gets here let's talk . we never had the chance to talk about your night with Calvin " Zuri said .

" It's nothing to talk about " She said quickly . It was a done deal and she didn't want to keep talking about it .

" Nothing to talk about ? Bitch don't play with me I want details " Zuri fussed.

" He was a really cool dude , the sex was good but it's over and done with so don't bring him up again " She said blankly and Zuri smacked her teeth but decided to respect her wishes .

" ok fine after him and Brandon bring me breakfast i won't bring him up again " She said smiling innocently .

" Bitch i know you didn't " Chrissy fussed cutting her eyes at her.

" what I was hungry " she said continuing to smile.

" bitch so you stopped at PJ's for a frappe but didn't think to stop and get you no food ? You full of shit Zuri " Zuri hummed to herself and remained quiet causing Chrissy to cut her eyes at her . " What do you have up your sleeve ? "

" Nothing he just wanted to see you again "She said causing Chrissy to roll her eyes .

" Zuri it was a one time thing why would you tell him to come here . You know Reg and I are good now " She fussed .

" Y'all are good for now " Zuri said . She loved her sister but she was being dumb as hell in her opinion .

It's been rumored for years that reg has been cheating on her and she was sure that the girl that had caught him wasn't the first and that she wouldn't be last .

She learned from her last relationship that if you forgive a nigga for his wrongdoings he going to keep on doing wrong because you showed him that you're okay with it as long as he apologizes .

She hated to say it but she felt like that was going to become Reg and her sisters relationships , she forgave him too fast and too easy so he was going to think she was weak .

" What is that supposed to mean ? You think i'm dumb too right ? Go head and say it Cj and Camari already was straight up with me so you be straight up too "

" I don't think you're dumb but you're being dumb " She said causing chrissy to scrunch her face up because they didn't even make any sense .

" bitch what ? "

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