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Chapter One ; Caught

" Wait don't walk too close , he might see us " Camari said to her sisters . They were out on fifth avenue spying on their sister Chrishara's boyfriend , Reginald .

" I don't give a fuck if he sees us . I want him to see that I caught his ass " Chrishara snapped as she tried her best to hold back her tears.

Words couldn't describe what she was feeling seeing her boyfriend of seven years parading around town with another female . She was happy that she listened to her gut feeling and decided to use the find my friends app on her Iphone to see what he was really up to.

Chrishara wasn't an insecure female , this wasn't like her at all to be spying on her boyfriend but she just knew when something wasn't right . For years she's been hearing rumors about reg cheating on her but there was never any proof , just accusations so she chose to ignore it because she knew that people would do anything to break up a happy home.

But honestly there was always a part of Chrishara that felt that the rumors were true. It was little things she noticed like condom wrappers in his car , receipts to gifts she never revived , scratches on his back but she always made excuses for it . She didn't want the rumors to be true because she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it which is why she never asked him about it .

" If you drop a tear i'm going to jail again " Zuri , another one of her sisters said as she pulled out a box cutter from her back pocket.

Chrishara and her sisters were best friends so they didn't think twice when she called and asked them to accompany her while she did some investigating on her boyfriend . They were all ready to beat Reginald's ass when they seen him walking on fifth avenue holding hands with another girl. They were especially pissed because Chrishara was the sweetest person with a heart of gold she would give her last to anyone and he knew that for a fact .

" Okay wait , every take ten seconds " Camari said as she grabbed Zuri's hand that was holding the box cutter . " I know you guys are mad , i'm mad too but if we cause a scene it's definitely gonna be on the tabloids and then what ? " Camari said trying to talk some sense in her sisters before they were all in hand cuffs. . Camari was the calmer one while her sisters were hot heads .

" I hate to say it but she's right shara . First of all you know daddy would catch a heart attack if the blogs catch us out here fighting . Everything we do not only affects us and our business but it affects him too , we don't want to have them to have anything bad to say about us . It's hard being black business owners let's not let them stereotype us" Demi , the oldest sister said agreeing with Camari .

At twenty years old Chrishara and her sisters were doing big things . With the help of their father after finishing school he helped them start up their own website called All Glammed Up.

They sold bundles , wigs , hair care products , makeup, eyelashes , bath bombs , candles , waist trainers and things in that nature .

A few months ago they just opened their own boutique called sœurs , which meant sisters in French .

And they also shared a youtube channel where they put out content like makeup and hair tutorials using their products . Clothing hauls using outfits from their boutique. They did girl talks and vlogs .

Their businesses worked well because everyone did their part .

Camari made the outfits for the boutique while Zuri was in charge of running the store . Which meant she was responsible for opening and closing the store  , hiring employees , and the finances of the store.

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