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Chapter Three : Medicine

" Are you sure you want to do this ? " Camari questioned Chrishara as she stood in her bedroom at her fathers house doing her makeup . Today was the day she was supposed to be getting even with Reginald , with some man that Zuri hooked her up with .

" Yep " Chrishara said popping the p hoping that she didn't try to preach to her again .

" Do you really think this would make you feel better ? I mean if cheating is the only way for you to fix your relationship maybe it doesn't need to be fixed . Fighting fire with fire just leaves everyone burned " She said.

" I told you ... i'm not leaving Reg . I love him and this is something that we can work through . I've seen couples go through worse but in order for me to get over it and move on I need my free card too " she said. .

" but what if he cheats again ? then what? it's gonna be the same thing ? you're gonna use that as an excuse for you to cheat so you don't feel stupid for him cheating and getting back with him ? " she fussed . " Look im your sister and we've always supported each other's decision so don't think i'm judging you ... I just don't want you to go and make things worse or do something you'll regret "

" I've already made up my mind Mari and i'm doing this with or without your support " Chrishara said with finality .

" ok ... I still love you and i'm not mad at you . I'm just trying to be a good big sister and look out for you " she said .

" I know but i'll be fine " she tried to assure her but chrishara wasn't buying it.

" ok chrissy ... you look beautiful by the way " She complimented.

" thank you " Chrissy smiled

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" thank you " Chrissy smiled. " well i'm about to get going "

" okay ... make sure you text me every hour so I can know you're okay " Camari said cashing Chrissy to laugh .

Since Camari was the oldest ... she felt like it was her job to be play the protective mother role to chrissy , zuri , and demi . " I'm already sharing my location with you " she told her and camari nodded .

" do you want me to drive you ? " she questioned.

" no zuri's dropping me off it's fine " she said and camari nodded .

" ok ... I love you baby and if you change your mind or if you need me i'll be up all night so you can call me " she said as she kissed her cheek .

" I love you too sis " chrissy said as camari escorted her down the stairs.

" ready ? " zuri asked chrissy and she nodded as they both left out of the door so zuri could drop her off at her destination.


" There he is right there " Zuri told Camari as she pulled up to their destination. She rolled down the passenger window and yelled out of it . " Calvin "

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