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Chapter Seven ;  A Family Affair

Camari smacked her teeth as she listened to Demi try to tell her that she was in the wrong for the argument she had with her sisters earlier during the day .

She was acting like me being protective of my sisters was such a bad thing . I admit , I sometimes came off too strong but they knew I only meant well for them .

" Camari im not saying that you're wrong for caring about their well-being but did you really have to compare them to Trina and Ashyra ? " Demi asked .

" Ok ... I admit that was wrong I got upset and threw a low blow . They're nothing like their mothers and they know that . Look , what chrissy is doing is going to cause some damage and I don't think she can handle it "

" That may be true but at the end of the day nobody is perfect . Everybody has their own choices in life and she's your sister so whatever she choses to do right or wrong , have her back no matter the outcome . You're not a saint Camari you did some shit that hit the fan and we was there for you , it's not right for you to judge " Demi stressed.

" That's the thing , i've did the exact same thing and I know how this turns out . I don't want her to go through that . " Camari said . All she was trying to do was protect her sister she didn't understand why she was made out to be a villain .

" I know what you're saying but you come off too strong and you send your message out the wrong way. Chrissy thinks you're judging her , just let her live her life you don't have to support what she's doing but she's grown and that's what she wants to do you just have to accept that " Demi said .

Camari sighed . " You're right . I'll give her and Zuri the day to calm down and i'll call them tomorrow " Camari said finally backing down from the situation.

" But I am going to tell their asses off , this is their business too they can't just leave all the work on us cause they're mad " Demi fussed .

Her frown immediately turned into a smile once she saw Rashaad walk into the store bringing her some flowers and lunch . Camari looked at her confused because she could've sworn that Demi talked to somebody else .

" Good afternoon " He said as he walked up to her .

" Good afternoon , I told you I couldn't go out for lunch today because I was busy around the store " She told him .

" I know which is why I brought lunch to you. You keep trying to stand me up but i'm persistent when I want something " He said .

" I wasn't standing you up as you can see im busy and it just us two here today " Demi said .

" It's okay , you can go eat i'll be okay " Camari told her .

" How you doing . I'm Rashaad you must be her twin Camari " He said extending his hand out to her . They looked identical but you can still tell the difference between them because Demi was a tad bit slimmer .

" Nice to meet you " Camari smiled causing Demi to look at her crazy because she had never been this nice to any of their niggas , not when first meeting them anyways .

" Do you have something to eat for lunch ? I can stop and get you something " Rashaad asked her .

" Im okay , i'll get something delivered " Camari said .

" Thank you sis I won't be long and once i'm done you can eat and i'll hold the store down " Demi said as she came from behind the counter and led the way to the back room .

" Why you ain't come to my party ? " Rashaad asked her .

" I don't party on weekdays and i'm glad I didn't come from your instagram story it look like you had a lot going on " She said .

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