You're kidding, Akashi has an arranged marriage?!

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Continuation of the last chapter. Or like based off the last chapter. Please excuse the overdramatic angst or the OOC for Kuroko. 

"I see..." Kuroko looked distraught. "That's why you were so stressed at school. You were thinking of how to escape this arranged marriage."  

"Yes, my father had me meet someone without informing me. She is an extremely nice girl and is quite intelligent..." 

Why is Akashi-kun telling me this?

Is he breaking up with me now? Is this his way of telling me that there's nothing he can do? 

Is he...

"...going to reject me with the same fake smile that he shows others?" Kuroko whispered under her breath. It almost sounded like she was praying with how small her voice sounded. 

Akashi with his perfect hearing could of course hear his beloved's words. "Tetsuna, what are you talking about?" 

Kuroko stood up, not being able to process the news she was hearing nor the way Akashi was treating the situation. She wanted to disappear, at times like this she wished Akashi could never notice her so that she could hide and cry. "Why are you telling me that she's a nice girl? Akashi-kun, do you THINK I want to know why nice she is? Is this how you reassure me..."


Tetsuna started walking away but turned around to shout the devastating words of: "Akashi-kun you idiot! I hate you!" 

You could hear something crumbling. People in the park assumed it was an earthquake and crawled on the ground for cover. Only the people who witnessed the couple spat could tell that the rumbling did not come from the Earth. Oh no, it came from one red-haired boy whose dead fish eyes and disturbing dark aura made the world shake itself. 

"Tetsuna..." Akashi whispered. Trying to bring himself to catch up to her, but he couldn't. Why? Because that was the first time in HISTORY that Kuroko told him that she hated him. While Akashi was used to the disdain of others (normally due to his cruel training regime) he couldn't help but want to cry at the thought that he had done something so terrible that his lover (scratch that, his treasure) hated him. Oh, he wouldn't care if it was the Generation of Miracles that hated him for he hated them back for stealing his girlfriend's time and affection but if it was Kuroko...

Akashi suddenly felt his world turn black and white. "Ah." 

This is the world that he creates when Kuroko is not with him. 


Meanwhile at the Kuroko household

"Akashi you idiot!" Kuroko said as she punched a pillow with Akashi's beautiful face on it (credit to Midorima again). The minute Kuroko arrived home she quickly started boxing her beloved's pillow since she was fully aware she could never take him on in real life and let's mention how he was such a gentleman that he would never put a scratch on her. 

Kuroko knew deep down that Akashi didn't mean anything by his comment. She also knew he loved her and that he must be working so hard against his father's wishes. She knew that but...the way he talked about another girl when he was meant to be reassuring her...


She cried in her sleep. Knowing the illogical feelings in her heart would make no sense but having no choice but to act on them. 


The next day 

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