I want to go on a date with you Akashi-kun

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Kuroko was certain that her boyfriend loved her - he was the perfect lover and always attended to her needs quite well. He never left her alone nor did he ever invade her private time and space. It would be an understatement to say that he was the perfect boyfriend. However, she was worried.

A few days ago, she noticed her boyfriend was a little sluggish and not very chipper on their time alone. Usually he would flaunt over her like a moth approaching a flame but recently he was exhausted and quiet most of the time. Kuroko was worried. Actually a little more than worried. Her boyfriend was never this listless and tired, it only made her wonder if her boyfriend had somehow become sick of her. It was a wonder why these two always assumed that the other had gotten sick of them, but I digress.

She was so worried she was forced to enlist the help of Kise and Aomine, the supposed love guru who were in actuality losers with a failing, unstable love life. Alas, she still voiced her concerns to her two best friends. Aomine more than Kise but you could hardly find Aomine without Kise hanging around.

"Recently, Akashi-kun has been sighing and being listless. I am worried that he may be bored of me and is seeking enjoyment in others."

"NO WAY!" the two girls shouted at the same time.

"I can't imagine Akashi being bored with you!" Aomine exclaimed sweating more than usual.

"Akashicchi would kill for you!" Kise supported being more pale than usual.

"But then why would Akashi be so tired and bored with me?" Kuroko was getting desperate.

It was then that the two fools had an ingenious idea. "Why don't you go on a date with Akashi/Akashicchi?"

"What would that do?" Kuroko asked confused.

"It would be a good change of pace and we will follow you and see if he really is bored with you. Don't worry, we'll be able to tell." Kise and Aomine looked at each other with a grin. That grin should have been a bad sign to Kuroko but due to her increasing worry towards her boyfriend she had ignored the signs of a terrible tragedy that was to come.


Akashi-kun...?" Kuroko had called her lover in the night to ask him on a date.

"My love? What ever is the matter?"

"I-I just wanted to know if you might be free for a date tomorrow?"

"Date. Huh. Let's see tomorrow..." It took a split second for Akashi to realise what his blue haired muffin has just asked him. "D-D-DATE?!"

"Akashi-kun? Are you okay?" It was rare for her boyfriend to be so taken aback. He really has been out of it for the past few days.

"I'd be happy to accompany you wherever you would like to go my love. Where would you like to go?" Akashi now sounded perky and energized again which gave Kuroko relief that he still felt something for her.

She hummed in thought. "I was thinking of going to that new Maji amusement park. But if there is another place you could think of..."

"That's perfect my love. I'll pick you up at 10, I look forward to our date."

They both hung up, looking forward to seeing each other the next day.


True to his word, Akashi arrived at 10:00am on the dot. With his blue shirt and black vest, girls stopped in their walks to take him in, but he only had eyes for one girl. Kuroko stood outside her house with her also sky blue dress with a white sash around her waist and a big straw hat on her head. Akashi found her so adorable he was already considering skipping the date all together and indulging himself in her for the next few hours...

The fem side (Kuroko, Kise and Aomine)Where stories live. Discover now