Overobsession milkshake

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Once again that sound filled Akashi's ears.


Yes, this sound did not come from himself - it came from his disappearing adorable girlfriend who was slurping on the white vanilla milkshakes that she became obsessed with. It irritated Akashi to no end to know that his existence was inferior to a ridiculous drink but he knew better than to interrupt his lover's drinking sessions.

But honestly this obsession of hers was getting a little disturbing and concerning. Many times Kuroko has ended up in hospital due to her milkshake splurges and some days she ends up with no money for lunch because she invests all her money and time in that drink. Well, Akashi was more than willing to provide for her but he did not want to lose against a stupid drink. He had voiced his concerns more than once with the blue-haired fairy but he always received the same response.

"But Akashi-kun, I'll die without a milkshake."

Then does that mean you can live without him? That thought gave him a horrible fear.  The generations were aware of Kuroko's drinking patterns and they also knew how upset Akashi could get over the vanilla milkshake. But it particularly pushed Akashi off the edge when he started noticing that every date he had the privilege of having with his girlfriend always involved some sort of movement towards a Maji for a milkshake. He knew it, he had no other choice.

"Testuna, I am banning all milkshakes for two months from now on!" Akashi exclaimed harshly - there were several reasons why he had decided on this ban. The first being health, the second was income. Lastly and most importantly the jealousy he felt towards the drink made him to do horrible things; especially to the generation of miracles and their tough training regime.

"W-Why would you do something so cruel Akashi-kun?!"

"Your health is concerning me as you seem to lack energy to get through one whole class. And you have been starving yourself during lunch to save some money to get a milkshake! Also our dates are growing less romantic!" Akashi had started whining by the end of his speech.

"You know I love you Akashi, but my milkshakes are also important too."


"Pardon me?" Kuroko could not comprehend what she was saying.

"Choose between me and the milkshake."

"Oh...Uh....I" What could she do? She loved both and thinking of not having either killed her inside somehow.

Akashi was not pleased with this answer however, "I am ignoring you until you can answer...."


"Tetsuna you baka!" Akashi cried before dashing to who knows where. Well, anywhere besides the direction of the sun which we have established was his full blown enemy.

"AKASHI-KUN!" Kuroko cried back reaching out for her boyfriend but she was naturally slow and non-sporty inclined that her boyfriend had ran away no sweat. "Why are you speaking in Japanese all of a sudden?!"

That was her main concern.


Unbeknownst to Testuna, Akashi had planned this as a test for his muffin. Hoping secretly that she would choose the boy over the milkshake as she should.

His sudden absence from her life should shaken her and sooner or later she would cry and run back to him. All he needed to do was sit and wait. Well, he thought that was the plan but he looked out the window to find his girlfriend walking outside the school gates fine and unaffected by the recent turns of events and with Akashi's inhuman eye sights which was 100/20 he could clearly see the FREE MILKSHAKE ticket she was clenching while walking out. That shattered his heart.

The fem side (Kuroko, Kise and Aomine)Where stories live. Discover now