Heading Off

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Alright, final chapter of this series for now. I'll make a second part for everyone just so you don't think it's ending on this. Enjoy.

Few days after the mission, Izuku POV:

I began to wake up to the sight of a ceiling and the smell of disinfectants around me. While getting up, I felt unbearable pain in my limbs along with a throbbing pain in my stomach. "Nnngh!" "You're awake, that's good." I glanced over to see Ms. Konan and Mr. Pain sitting to the left in seats. "Where am I?" "In a hospital. You've been asleep for three days." Once it hit me that the mission was done, I practically jumped up in fear. "What about everyone else and KaachaAAAHH!" I feel back on the bed putting pressure on an arm that had a cast on it. "Do not move so quickly. You broke a few boned in your arms, your right ankle, and slipped a disk or two in your back. Recovery Girl was waiting to do any intense amounts of healing until you were conscious to help." "What about everyone else?" Ms. Konan sighed out while motioning me to get comfortable.

"Tokage had suffered a few ruptured organs with surgery and a few organs needing to be reconstructed to help her. Shinso had suffered a few broken ribs with one puncturing a lung along with a concussion. Both also obtained severe bruising from the incident. Jirou had suffered several burns and a few broken bones from a failed explosion as it seemed with her vision being now hindered due to some vision damage. Yaoyorozu had lost quite a bit of blood to have her bodily functions start to shut down due to an injury from having her forearm cut off. The wound was already healing with reattachment being impossible. Shiozaki and Kirishima obtained the least amount of injuries out of the group. However, Shiozaki completed the Curse jutsu she had to forever become immortal and walk the earth for the rest of her life with Kirishima activating the Earth Grudge Rage facing a similar situation. Todoroki had a few organs punctured with some damage to the nervous system due to him stopping the bleeding by searing the wound shut. He also obtained some damage to his hands from Shamehada piercing them. His hand functions will be diminished due to it. Asui had irreversible ligament damage on her right shoulder where she'll not be able to use it as well. Ochako had..."

Ms. Konan trailed off before walking over to pull a curtain away to show her unconscious in a bed. "During her fight, she broke the bones in her fingers and hands, slipped a few disks like you, had a lung punctured, dislocation of her left shoulder, and a mild concussion. She was healed a few hours ago by Recovery Girl, but these injuries were still rather severe." I held my head down while accepting this happened. "Why did this have to happen? How could this happen?" "Whether it had or hadn't happened is irrelevant. Now we need to take steps for where we are right now." Mr. Pain got up to walk out of the room before stopping to say one final thing. "As of now, Bakugou is deemed a rogue and will be treated as such. If you ever engage him again, be prepared to possibly end his life." He walked out of the door with his words sounding extremely wrong to me.

"Kaachan's our friend, I can't kill him." "He seemed to not have an issue trying to kill you." Ms. Konan walked over to kneel near the bed before explaining herself. "Bakugou was many things growing up, but we never planned for him to go to this extreme. He tried to kill you, the man he went with made monsters to try and kill your comrades. Ochako lays in that bed beside you from one of them that also wanted to kill you both. He went down a dark path and will not come back. It is a hard pill to swallow, but you cannot look at him as a friend anymore." "Even if it's my fault he went down this path?" She took a breath in before answering. "Do not assume that just because you had an indirect act to his choice that you are to blame. Frustration and desire for change is natural and common, but that does not mean it always ends with similar results. The paths we choose to walk are what makes us who we are. He chose to become a villain, so this is how he is going to be treated." She got up to walk to the door while glancing back at me. "I shall get Recovery Girl to heal you, it should not be long." Ms. Konan left with me glancing at Ocha again. 'I have to...not look at Kaa-Katsuki as a friend anymore.' I held my head down while this was thought of.

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