Izuku vs Bakugou

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Izuku POV:

I began to notice a large burst of light back where Ocha was and began fearing something bad might've happened to her. 'Focus Izuku. She did what she did so you can keep going. You gotta finish this mission for her and everyone that helped you get here.' I kept flying through the trees hoping to get where I needed to without any issues. Once I finally got to the coordinates we were told, I noticed a mall stairwell down into the ground. 

"If I was someone trying to hide with an accomplice, this would easily be the spot I'd go

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"If I was someone trying to hide with an accomplice, this would easily be the spot I'd go." Quite perceptive, aren't we Izuku Midoriya." Some guy with strange eyes that looked like he needed some kind of tan very badly walked out with a smile. "Who are you?" "Ah, I forgot this is the first time we've officially met. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Momoshiki Otsutsuki, a pleasure." He began to bow to me while holding a confident smirk. "Where's Kaachan? I know you have him, so what did you do with him?" The man laughed at me while answering. "I never did anything he didn't want. But as an act of good will, why don't you reveal yourself Bakugou." He states this with Kaachan walking out of the underground entrance with an indifferent look at me.

"Kaachan, we came to get you. Come on, we can still help everyone." I flew down to grab his friends hand to pull him away. However, Bakugou didn't budge with this confusing me. "Kaachan? Let's go, our friends are in trouble and we need to help the-" I was cut off by Bakugou creating an explosion to  make me pull back a bit. A smirk grew on his face as he glared me down. "Kaachan, what's going on? If this is a joke you're doing, it's not funny!" "...Can I test it out on Deku?" 'Test it out?' "Why yes. It is your goal to become better than  him, why not show him what I have given you and prove just how superior you are." He smiled while walking out to the forest motioning me to follow him. 'I don't know who the weird guy is, but it's probably better to keep Kaachan away for now.'

we began heading in a direction to an open lake where he stopped. "This'll do nicely." The lake was rather nicely sized with a little concern for any wildlife in the area "Kaachan, what did he do to you?" "Master gave me the one thing I needed in order to beat you. Power. Absolute power." I didn't like the sound of this so I questioned Kaachan about it. "I don't exactly know what he did, but there has to be a price to it. Nothing in this world comes free. What happens if the price for it is too steep for you to pay? What then?" "Just shut up and fight me you loser!" Kaachan got into a fighting stance with me shaking my head. "Don't do this. Don't make me fight you." "Why, cause you know I'll win?" I took a deep breath in before answering. "I guess reasoning with you is out of the question." I took a fighting pose before finishing what I was saying. "I guess forcing you is the only option left."

3rd person POV:

Bakugou prepared to attack Izuku with the greenette making paper shurikins to throw. He came barreling at Izuku with strangely faster speeds than he originally could. Izuku threw the shurikins for Bakugou to blast them away before going for his notorious right hook. Izuku saw this and grabbed his arm to throw him to the ground. Unfortunately, he was met with a blast to the face forcing him to jump back. While Bakugou came charging, Izuku started to form himself into paper with the blond making a few handsigns. "Earth style: Oil Mud Bomb!" Bakugou blasted Izuku in a strange substance that prevented him from turning to paper before getting an explosion to the face. He slid back wiping a bit of blood from his nose while looking at Bakugou. "Never knew you found out how to used that?" "I honestly didn't know either. Maybe it was something with what I did to gain this power. Either way, I'm not gonna be able to be beaten without you going all out on me Deku." Izuku started to laugh while taking out a small blade. "I'll admit, this is going to be fun right now. If you wanted my me seriously fighting you, then take it!"

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