Truths Revealed

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Real quick before we get into this. I will have Izuku and Ochako have studs in them as a way of respect to Pain and Konan. It won't be a crazy amount, just small ones in Izuku's nose on the left side and in ochako's lower lip and also a paper flower in her hair on the right side. They'll also know a couple of jutsu's by now with some based on their elements. Enjoy.

Age 14 Izuku POV:

"Today's the day. Common Izuku, man up." Ever since we started training with Mr. Pain and Ms. Konan 10 years ago, Me and Ocha have changed quite a bit. I lost most of my uneasiness with people and gained a bit of confidence in myself. We also started to change our nicknames for each other with me calling her Ocha and her calling me Izu. "Dammit, why is it so hard to say this?" Right now, I'm standing in front of my bathroom mirror trying to get some courage to tell Ocha about the feelings I've obtained over the past few years.

"Just say it to her Izuku. Say 'I love you'. All you have to say and hope for the best." I recently had wanted to push saying it since an incident a few weeks back when Kaachan attempted to make Ocha go out with him. He practically pushed me out of the way and wrapped his arm around Ocha like he owned her or something. Once he did, he stated to her that she was 'his woman' now. I felt a bit of satisfaction when Ocha pulled his arm off and said 'I don't date jackasses'. I was happy he didn't get her, but reality hit me that if I wanted to be with her, I had to grow a pair and show her I'm a man. At least that's what Ms. Konan says. I start walking downstairs to get some food before school.

Meanwhile Ochako POV:

"Common Ochako. You can do this. You've known Izu for years now and there should be nothing that scares you." For the last 30 minutes, I've been trying to gain confidence in myself to make a move on Izu. I've always admired him as someone with ambition. But over the past few years, that admiration turned into something else. I felt these more when the idiot Bakugo tried to make me his girlfriend while pushing Izu out of the way. In that moment, I felt a mix of hatred, shame, and loathing. Hatred for Bakugo doing this, shame for Izu having to witness me being hit on, and self loathing for letting it happen.

With very little knowing on who to turn to, I went to Ms. Konan for advice. She told me that the feelings are love and that I somehow had become smitten with Izu. I didn't believe her at first, but she then asked me to imagine Izu having a relationship with me and then with another girl. I felt happy when I was with him, but severely angered when another girl was with him. At that point, I accepted my feelings and decided I need to do something before that happens. "Ochako, breakfast is ready." "Coming mom." I walk to the kitchen prepared for what I want to say.

A few hours later Izuku POV:

"Ok everyone, today we will be filling out career aptitude papers for your futures." Our homeroom teacher comes in with a stack full of papers before throwing them into the air at his podium. "But who am I kidding, you all want to become heroes!" Everyone started cheering and using their quirks, except for me, Ocha, and Kaachan. "Alright, alright, I know you all have amazing quirks, but it's against the rules to use them on school grounds." "Oi teach, don't lump me in with these extras. The best they could do is get a sidekick job with some shitty D-lister." "Hey, what do you know Bakugo!?" "Yeah, what makes you so special!?" "Oh yeah, Bakugo enlisted with UA." 'Just add more fuel to the fire why don't you.'

Kaachan starts standing on his desk and gloating his 'accomplishments'. "That's right you shitty extras. I aced all the mock tests." 'With me and Ocha getting the same score as you.' "And completely annihilated the battle simulations." 'Again, same score because we needed to use hand signs to do the bigger stuff.' "I'm going to be the best hero that even surpasses All Might!" "Oh yeah, Uraraka and Midoriya are also going to UA." At that point everyone looked at us and remembered that both of us were the only people that never lost against Kaachan after elementary.

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