The Choice Encounter

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3rd person POV:

Over the timespan of about 5 years, the Akatsuki had made a name as one of the most skilled vigilante groups known at this day and age. Among them, three of which were feared more than anything. Undead, a man that could take any injury and still walk even with him being beheaded. If any faced him, they would not sleep soundly through the night ever again. Illustion, a man that would be able to break your mind without him even facing you for more than a second. Those that have faced him said that they felt as if they faced an eternity in hell. Finally came God, a man that never had a scratch on him. All who faced him had said he was someone that they couldn't even get in swinging distance to fight.

Though all other members are powerful, one had obtained a record for being notably brutal to any villains that harmed children. Angel was known for using what is known as excessive force on sick men and women that dared hurt or threaten any and all kids. Some believe that something had happened to her as a child that made her into this. Others think it is from regret for something that happened to her own before her work as a vigilante. Whether it was one or the other, the issue still stood that any villain that wanted to harm kids would steer clear of her knowing that they may get put into a coma for 6 months like a molester had over a year into the Akatsuki rising.

The public in general saw this group as a dark vigilante group since many had committed murder to villains that had the death penalty waiting for them, but many did not rebel against them for it. People saw them as a group that wasn't afraid to do what had to be done and had seen most of their accomplishments stood with the villain alive instead of dead. Many would never believe that this group was from another time and fought as they would believe 'quirkless'. Though they held great success, one member still held a shame she never showed anyone other than her close friend.

Age 4 Izuku POV:

"Mom! Is it time yet?" "Almost sweetie. Why don't you get your shoes on and well get going after." "Yay! I get to know what my quirk is today!" I start to run to the door and put my shoes on. Once they were on, mom put hers on and we make our way to the doctor to see what my quirk actually is. I don't know much about it, but I can fold paper and turn myself into a bunch of sheets of paper as well. The second is a lot harder to do and I could only do it for a few seconds, but I was able to, so that means I can make myself paper. I get all excited thinking that it might be like that hero Edgeshot or a new quirk that has yet to be discovered yet. Just the thought of what it is is making me go nuts.

"Oh yeah, we have some new neighbors Izuku moving in today. I invited them over and found out they have a little girl about your age." "Cool, what's she like?" "I never got the chance to see her in person, but her parents said she's very optimistic and happy." I start to get excited for meeting a new neighbor and get happy enough about that to calm down from my excitement for my quirk.

At the doctors

"Yeah, we aren't sure why your son can do what he does." Both me and mom are sitting in the doctors office completely confused as to why. "Wait, but isn't what he has a quirk?" "*sigh* Well that's where were stumped." He puts up a picture of a foot and shows us around the toes. "From what we can tell, the boy should be quirkless with two joints in his pinky toe as depicted in his x-rays, but he can control paper as you say?" "Yes, can you show him Izuku?" I do as my mom says and makes some papers come out of me and turn into origami flowers.

The doctor looks at me a little confused as to how to continue. "Strange, the only logical explanation I can say is that it isn't a quirk." "What do you mean?" My best guess is that it's a power that was given to him by either you or your husband that is not quirk oriented." Mom looks sad for a moment before the doctor asks. "Is this talent known in either of your families?" "Izuku.....Izuku isn't naturally ours." "What do you mean?" I get a little sad remembering a note I found a little while ago with my mom saying the truth to me a few months back.

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