Unsettling Finds

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Konan POV:

After I had explained the need for a meeting with the Akatsuki, we created a hologram discussion since most of us were in completely different areas of the country. "This better be good. I just found out one of the kids I'm working with has my Kekkei Genkai." "It must be if Konan deemed it necessary Deidara." Itachi explains this with everyone looking at me. "As you all know, I have Bakugou and Uraraka with me as the students I am training." "Get to the point." I glare at Hidan before I start again. "This had all began on the first official day of the work study."

Flash back to a few days ago

I had decided to take the internship in an area near a dense forest that I enjoyed training inside. This area was large enough to train in, but still close enough to a major city that we would not have to travel a distance to. Once we were in the city, we had gone to the hotel I had requested. "Were here." Since I was dealing with two children of opposite gender, Ochako had stayed in a room with myself. "Tomorrow we will start our training. In the meantime, we will walk through the city to familiarize our surroundings." "Yes mam." "Whatever." Once they changed, we had gone into the city to start looking around. "Help! Someone stop them!" A group of villains had tried to steal from a supermarket by stealing the actual register.

"Finally, some action!" Bakugou tried to charge in before I stopped him. "You can't barge in like this!" I jump into action to stop the culprits from running. "Bakugou, Uravity, make sure the sale clerks are ok!" Ochako runs in with Bakugou only scowling at me. I wrap the villains in paper before calling the authorities. Once they come, they give the money back and take the villains away. "Why didn't you let me go after the fucking crooks?" "You do not have authorization to use your quirk in public. You are here to learn from hands on experience in a safer fashion. Very few times will this change." I begin to walk over to the people in the store to make sure none of them were injured. "I don't need to be babysat. I need to get stronger and show that I'm the best." "You may see it like that, but I will be working as your teacher and guardian on this trip. I expect you to be on your best behavior since it affects not only myself, but UA as well."

Few hours later

Once we return to the hotel with something warm to eat, Bakugou heads into his room still angry about today. "Is he always this hotheaded with adults?" "Only when they show him up." I take a deep exhale before opening our room. While eating, I begin to make some small talk with Ochako. "How are things going with you and Izuku?" "Good. It's just, I miss him." She holds her head down a bit. "It hasn't even been a full day and your worried about missing Izuku? My how love runs very deep with you." "It's not just because I love him that I miss him! It's, well...we've never been so far apart before for long periods of time since we've met. We've at least seen each other for more than a few hours a day and always talked with each other. To be doing it now is just...odd."

I began to smile at her. "You both are adorable together. I wonder what your children will be like?" She immediately goes red for it to make myself chuckle a bit. "Please don't say stuff like th-*ring* KYAAA!" Ochako jumps at the sound of her phone ringing. "It's Izu!" She immediately beams with happiness at the thought of talking to him. "I'll head to bed first. Don't stay up too late." "I won't. Hello?" She walks out the door to not bother me while I shut off the light on my side before resting in the bed. 'She's a nice girl. I approve of her Izuku. I approve very much.'

The next morning

After we get up and prepared to head to the forest, we had made our way to the area I regularly train in. "Today we will be doing training here. I have already prepared a training regiment for you both to follow." I turn to Ochako first. "Uraraka, you are aware of our training with walking on trees and water, correct?" "Yeah. The purpose of those is controlling your chakra to not damage the tree and climb it at the same time and to walk on water without falling in." "That is correct, but did you know you could also walk on hot coals and even fire with this?" "I can?" "Yes. That will be what we will work on today. With a tree, you learn quickly where your losing balance and can adjust. With water, you learn to fight falling in by producing sable footing with chakra. While fire, you learn how to control the amount of heat you feel while also holding stable footing."

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