Hosu's Danger

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Izuku POV:

In a matter of a week, time seemed to fly by like it was nothing. Me and Ida had regularly trained with Mr. Pain to be ready for anything in our hunt for the hero killer Stain. Though Ida could not use chakra, we formulated a plan to stop Stain with me working mainly defense and Ida offense. On the day of the official internship, we all gathered in the local train terminal. "Is everyone ready?" "Yes sir/yeah." "Please say yes properly Ashido." Mr. Aizawa looked at us before continuing. "You all are responsible for your costumes on this trip. Unless authorized by the pro your interning with, you do not have authority to wear them on the streets. Do not lose them and be on your best behavior." He left us with everyone going their separate ways. "Bye Izu. I promise I'll call or text you tonight." Ocha began hugging me unhappy were being split apart today for a whole week. "Bye Ocha. I know you'll do great." We began to put our heads together until a certain someone began to shout. "GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY FOR YOU LOSERS TO EYE HUMP!" "Promise me you won't kill him." "No promise about beating him to a pulp though." I start to smile at this with Ocha and Ms. Konan going the way Kaachan was. "Let's go you two, our train is this way."

As we boarded the train, Ida seemed to hold a rather intense face as if he was ready to kill someone. "Keep calm Ida, when you succumb to your rage, you lose sight of your goal." "Yes sir." Ida starts to calm down a bit with Mr. Pain trying to reassure him. "I understand your hatred right now, but remember we are not out for vengeance. We are doing this to stop others to succumb to the same or a worse fate that Ingenium had. Do not let your hatred of what happened to your brother cloud your judgement." "*inhales* Yes sir." Ida starts to lose his aggressive look with silence being prominent in the train. We traveled for almost an hour until reaching our final destination of Hosu city. "We're here. Let's be off." We follow Mr. Pain through the streets until we reach a small motel. "We will stay here for the week until our business is settled. I shall take the day to obtain information about the target while the two of you scout the area for viewpoints to discover him." "Yes sir." We check in and place our stuff in the two rooms with me and Ida sharing one.

Once this was done, we did what we needed to and began our survey of the area. We walked around keeping in mind where the victims of the hero killer normally show up. "The heroes were normally found in back alleys near agencies, right?" I nod at Ida who starts looking around the alleys to see into the darkness inside them. He stares blankly as if they were the most horrific thing to see in a lifetime. "It's ok Ida, we'll get him." I pat his shoulder with Ida coming out of his daze. "You are right Midoriya, we will." We kept walking with a thought coming to Ida's head. "What happened to the tailed beasts? I would assume you would keep them with you." "Their back at UA. Ms. Konan and Mr. Pain said keeping them with us will do more harm than good." "In what way." I look at Ida with a deadpan face before answering. "Their talking plushies right now that can turn into skyscraper sized monsters. Don't you think that having them roam a city will cause problems?" "Fair point."

Meanwhile at UA:

The tailed beasts have been given to Mr. Aizawa to watch with all of them causing mass destruction. He only sat in his now destroyed room clearly angered. 'The Akatsuki owe me big time for this.' He nearly dodges a tailed beast bomb to the head with more destruction being created.

Back with Izuku and Ida.

We kept walking with not much intel discovered. We memorized every corner Along with every pro in the city while on our travel. Once some time had passed where we both agreed we should call it a day, we headed back. When we returned, Mr. Pain had been looking at some documents before noticing us return. "We will be going out on patrol in a few hours, get some rest now to be ready." As he was walking out, he stopped to turn to us. "I had also gotten you both something to eat and put it in your small fridge. Make sure to not go hungry." He leaves with me going to the fridge to see some cold sandwiches. "Not the best dinner, but it's better than nothing." I toss a sandwich to Ida for the both of us to eat and get some rest while we can knowing we will probably not get much on this trip.

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