I Can't Let You Go On Without Knowing You Are Loved

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N/A ~ As it is the anniversary of the passing of Ianto Jones, I decide to play with the timelines and give Jack what he wants most in life. Hope you enjoy! 

Jack steps into the TARDIS and sees many aliens but doesn't understand why they are all there. 'What's going on? Why are all of these people here?'

The Doctor is standing in the centre of the group. 'They have come to help you. To help you heal. To help you cope.'

Jack gets angry because he knows that there is only one way he can heal, and The Doctor can't help him. 'I'm fine, really it was my own fault and nobody and no one can help me lift the burden that this will lay on my very long life. I don't need help healing or coping. I'm doing just fine by myself.'

The Doctor sighs and begins to walk towards Jack. 'They want to help you because they love you. You really don't see it do you. You don't see how much you are loved?'

Jack looks up to avoid tears spilling out of his eyes. 'I was loved by one and I lost him because of my own carelessness.'

The Doctor knows just how much pain Jack is in. He steps forwards in order to comfort Jack, but Jack just steps away as though he is about to leave. 'I've been sending out a message. A distress call. I've sent a message everywhere. To the future and the past, the beginning and the end of everything. "Captain Jack Harkness is dying. Please, please help."'

Jack now looks even angrier if that was possible. 'I'm not dying. I can't die, remember. Besides that, would mean nothing to anyone. I've never done anything important.'

'That's what you don't see. You have saved so many lives and touched many more. You have seen the meteors in the sky.'

'Of course.' Jacks says but he still doesn't understand because that's what is special about Jack, he doesn't realise how important he is.

'That's the sky is full of a million million voices, saying, "Yes of course. We'll help." You've touched so many lives, saved so many people. Did you think when you need help, you'd really have to do more than just ask? You've decided that the universe is better off without you both. But the universe doesn't agree. The universe will never agree that you are better off apart. Because the universe needs both of you. And neither of you are whole without each other.'

Jack just lets the tears flow now knowing that maybe if The Doctor sees Jack break down, he might finally let Jack just be free. 'He can be whole; he is dead. He has a piece of me with him. He has a piece of my heart like he always will. No one can help me. A fixed point will be altered. If you change history, it will change everything. You can't bring him back, nobody can. If you don't believe me, ask everyone, I have spoken to so many people and bargained with so many more. I have tried so hard to bring him back, but I can't. His death is a fixed point. It could change the whole of reality if he doesn't die. That's why you can't change me! If you could change fixed points, I would have been dead long ago. So, I could have been with him so I could have been whole again. Just let me go. Let me leave. I can't think about him. There are so many things I can't do now because they remind me of him. All of the stuff that reminds me of him is in storage because if I keep looking at it, I can't go on. The coffee machine from our flat and the hub. It wasn't like I was going to use it. He would have killed me and besides I can't drink coffee anymore. My coat is in storage. He always said he loved that coat. It still smells of him. It's like both of us together. How it was supposed to be. I know I would have to lose him one day. I just assumed it wouldn't be for a while. I always assumed we would have more time. His dying wish was for me to be able to tell him that I love him, but I couldn't in that one moment when he needed me to be brave! I couldn't be there for him. I have to live with that. There are so many things that I regret about my life but there is nothing I regret more than letting him go so soon. Everybody deserves better. His sister and his family can't even stand to look at me because they see it as my fault. Of course, they do. Who wouldn't? I let him go to Torchwood again. I let him get involved and lie on a daily basis to his family about how am I supposed to live with that. Please just let me go! I can't be here even being here reminds me of him. It's just too painful! I promised him I would remember him in a thousand years. And if I say here then I'm not going to want to remember him. Please just let me leave!'

'I can't let you go on without knowing you are loved. By so many and so much. And by no one more than me.' At the Jack just stops and stares he must be hallucinating because this can't be real. That can't be his voice because he isn't here because he is dead. The Doctor moves to reveal Ianto, alive and well, looking not a day older than that fateful day at Thames House.

As Ianto rushed in Jack's arms. The Doctor began to speak again. 'We worked together. That's what you never did. You spoke to species individually; they all had the technology separately but never together. These are representatives from just a handful of planets and civilisations that you have helped, saved. We worked out that you can still save everybody and have him. You can still be the legend that is Captain Jack Harkness. But now you are not alone. It will change a few things in history but nothing that a little trip in the TARDIS can't fix. All these people wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work by giving you the one thing you could never have. Now you get to spend the rest of your lives together.'

'Wait... do you mean.' Jack says, looking at The Doctor and Ianto.

'In order for him to return we had to tie him to somebody's life force which means that he will live as long as they do. And we all agreed that we couldn't think of a better person than you, Jack.'

Ianto begins to cry as he sees his sister in the background crying. It's not the first time they have seen each other but she gets to see her brother happy again. Which is all that matters to her.

Jack turns his head to see who Ianto is looking at and stares in shock. 'Wait, Rhiannon?'

'Hey Jack.' She says stepping forward.

'Are you going to try and kill me again?' Jack says half as a joke and half seriously as she did threaten that if she ever saw him again, she would kill him.

Rhiannon laughed and walked closer to embrace her brother. 'No, I got to spend time with both of them and they explained everything. I know you tried after Ianto's death, but I was too shocked to understand. Now I understand everything Torchwood, the aliens, and even the immortality. I thought you were a monster. I only saw you as the person who stole my brother away from me. I could never understand why my brother wanted you so much. He hasn't shut up about you since I saw him. I never saw you the way he does. Or the way The Doctor does. Or the way all of the aliens see you. I never saw you as the hero that saved so many lives. I never saw just how much you sacrificed. I never saw that you suffered just as much if not more than me after my brother's death. The Doctor helped me see that you saved so many and when you saved so many... y-you end up losing a few. I never saw just how much you sacrificed trying to bring Ianto back. Until now. They opened my eyes and let me see the universe. You try to see the universe not as it is but as it should be. You try to shape the universe, so it is better. You always put others before yourself. You never think about yourself until after everything else is done. That's why you and my brother fit together perfectly.' The three of them embraced crying into each other. Rhiannon then stepped back and Jack embraced Ianto.

'Stay with me Ianto?' Jack whispered in his ear.

'Forever, Cariad. Forever and Always.' 

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