Secrets Protect Those We Love

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After the stolen earth incident, UNIT and Ianto both convince Jack that Torchwood and UNIT need to work together more so UNIT assigned a special Torchwood liaison officer. It was strange the new officer wanted to meet after hours when the staff weren't there. Apparently he knew one of them but wanted to talk to Jack about it first. Jack received no other information from the officer except from he was going to meet Jack in the tourist office at 7pm. The man arrives in the office at 7pm on the dot; at least he was punctual. The first thing Jack notices about this man is the nervousness his hands are sweaty and shaking. It's strange because normally military men don't shake like this, not when they have seen war maybe he was new specially recruited or something.
After a moment of awkward silence, 'Captain Jack Harkness.' Jack says as he presents his hand for the man to shake.
The man takes his hand and says 'Sargent Shaun Arnold. Do you think we could go and sit in your office to discuss business.'
'Of course.'
As they sat down in Jack's office. Arnold wasted no time in getting straight to the point, 'As I'm sure you are aware I know one of your staff. I wanted you to know because I believe that you-'
Then the cog doors blared to signal somebody coming in. And Ianto came jogging up to Jack's office. 'Jack has you seen my wallet?' Ianto stops dead in his tracks. He saw a face that had haunted him for so many years. 'How? You can't be... You... died.' Ianto drops this jacket on the floor and just runs down to the archives where he feels safe.
'Yan. Yan what's wrong?' Jack attempts to rush out the door to run after Ianto when the Sargent lays a hand on Jack's shoulder. 
'Captain. Can we have a word? You know you won't be able to find Ianto unless he wants to be found so you let me explain and then you can go and find him.' Jack just nods and moves to his seat in shock. How did this officer who had never had contact with Torchwood before know Ianto so well? 'What has Ianto told you of his father?'
'No a lot just that he worked in Dehambans and died of a heart attack whilst he was working for Torchwood One. He always regretted not being able to say goodbye properly. Ianto tried to look it up because he assumed something suspicious was going on but he could never find anything.'
'My Ianto always has to go and find answers. None of that is true, it was a cover story.  My cover story. Ianto's my son. I know you now think that I'm a terrible father for letting Ianto think that I've been dead for over a decade but I had to. It was safer for him. I have worked for UNIT since I was twenty; it was my life. But things changed and I realised that I needed to change.  When Ianto was nineteen, I decided that I wanted to actually be a part of my family again so I went on my last mission. I got sent on a high level classified undercover mission, nobody knew I worked for UNIT, not even my wife. UNIT never approved of me having a family but I had always wanted one. So they didn't know where I was. The mission was supposed to last two week so I just told them I had to go away for work. After less than two days into the mission I was taken, held captive and tortured. When I was taken I was considered a prisoner of war. As part of my assignment I had taken on a new Identity that then became me completely. My old life was erased from existence. The me Ianto knew never existed so UNIT came up with a cover story. After over 2,500 days I got rescued but my captivity changed me some for the better but some unfortunately for the worse but I had a new identity now so I had to try and find my way back into society again. I knew I had to find him but I didn't know where he was. So I started working for UNIT without going undercover anymore and met Doctor Jones when she came to London for project indigo. I knew from the moment she started talking about Torchwood Three and Ianto that he was my Ianto my son. So I searched for him but I was on my way to Cardiff when the plants appeared so my plans got put on hold. After it was over, this position came up and I knew I could miss this opportunity. Not a day has gone by when I haven't missed him but I had to leave so he didn't get hurt. I didn't want people to try to get to me by hurting the people I love.'
'Is it really you Tad?'
'Ianto. Of course it's me. How much of that did you hear?'
'Most of it. Enough to understand that you did what you did because you love me.'
'I have changed. I'm not going to tell you that I haven't but I am still you Tad and I always will be. Even if you have a new man in your life.' Ianto just stared at his father in shock. 'I know from the moment. You walked into this office. Both your eyes lit up. Ianto, I'm not bothered if he makes you happy then why would I care.'
'I always thought you would have hated me.' 
'Ianto, I could never hate you. But there are going to have to be some rules. You can't tell anybody else that I'm your Tad because then technically I can't be the new liaison officer and I would really like to be as long as you are okay with it. Maybe I can make you for all of those years that I wasn't there.'
'I would like that very much Tad. Why don't we go and grab dinner? Jack are you coming?'
'No I don't want to impose.'
'Jack you aren't imposing. I would love to get to know that man that has claimed my son's heart. Plus, I want to see if the rumours around UNIT are true.' There was a look of horror on Jack's face. 'I'm only kidding. You've taken care of my son. That means a lot to me. I'm sorry if I offended you. It does mean a lot. Ianto hasn't always been very good at opening up to people. So I'm glad he got to open up to you. I've read the reports I know just how many time you have saved him by sacrificing yourself: Even if you can't stay dead I'm sure it still hurts.'
'Tad how did you?'
'The reports. I know I a lot of The Doctor's companions you get to learn the legends of Jack Harkness. Shall we leave before it get to let. Do you still love Chinese food Ianto. We always used to get-'
'When it was somebody's birthday. I remember. Let's go'
As they turn to leave, Ianto turns to Jacks and asks, 'Are you sure that you are okay with all of this?'
'Ianto, I've never been happier. Now you have more people to protect you.'

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