The Same Suit again ~ Part One

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Tosh POV

'Gwen' I whisper.

'What do you want?' Gwen sounds annoyed yet again 'You don't want me to make coffee again cause Ianto is busy, again do you? I can't make coffee like he can. Owen will just complain again.'

Owen appeared around the corner 'Did somebody say coffee?'

'No... well... yes... but just come over here. Both of you. And keep quiet' I say

They both did as they were told. If I was whispering, then they knew it must be good because I don't whisper unless it's important. I don't gossip like other people do so I don't feel the need to whisper as much.

'Is Ianto wearing the same suit as yesterday?' I quiz.

'Why the hell would I know? Do I look like I pay that much attention? Is that really all you want. It thought Gwen was going to make disgusting coffee again.' Owen says and then wanders off. Clearly disinterested in the conversation.

'You are a cheeky bugger Owen.' Gwen turns her attention back to the matter in hand. 'Wait... no... I think he is. I bet he didn't go home again. How many times is that now?

'It must be at least eight times that he has worn the same suit when we get in and then he changes it. Do they think that we are blind and simply don't notice?' My concern begins to grow 'I'm asking him what's going on because either he is sleeping here with Jack or something is seriously wrong. Ianto doesn't wear the same suit for two days running; It simply doesn't happen. He doesn't wear the same suit in one week let alone one day onto the next.'

'If he was sleeping with Jack then why would he just get changed?' Gwen quizzed.

'Maybe they don't make it to the bedroom' I say, raising an eyebrow knowing what Jack is like. But then I snap back to reality. Realising what the conversation may be about. My concern begins to rise again.

I know he has OCD and has been having panic attacks since he was young, but I just didn't realise it had got this bad. I think I'm the only one that knows as he erased the fact from his personnel file so nobody else would find out, but I got the computer to save an automatic copy whenever something is changed. Personally, I think he is just sick of being different. I understand that he wants to hide it but what if something happened and that's why he is in Jack's office. I can't see them very well now because they have moved over to the filing cabinet. I wish I knew what was happening. Is Jack firing Ianto because he finally found out? He can't be. I know why Jack would be cross but surely, he would fire Ianto. I'm now surer than ever that I need to talk to Ianto. He never seems to leave anymore; he is here before everybody else and leaves after everyone else, except Jack, of course, but he never leaves. Wait... what if they are a thing and that's why Ianto never leaves and has some suits stuffed in the archives. He thinks nobody knows; nobody else knows but I spend most of my day on the computer and watching all of the CCTV on fast forward so I can make sure nothing unexpected happens in the night whilst we aren't here, and Jack is supposedly asleep.

Ianto POV

'Look, they are all staring again how long do you think it will be before they catch on.'

Jack looks at me with that look and smiles. 'You didn't call me sir'

'You asked me not to didn't you'

'Yes, I did but normally you never listen to me'

'I do listen to you sometimes.' I say leaning into him. 'Do I?' I whisper the last bit in his ear.

'Well that depends' he says leaning in closer.

'We better stop before they start to suspect anything. I'm not embarrassed, trust me. I just like sneaking around it makes it so much more fun.' I say walking towards the door straightening my tie.

I was about to walk out the door to ask if they wanted my industrial strength coffee when Jack asked, 'Aren't you forgetting something?' I stare at him confused. 'Your suit?'

'Of course, stupid me.' I give Jack one of those looks before I turn towards the door again.

'That reminds me won't they notice that you are wearing the same suit as yesterday and then got changed.' Jack states.

'They never do, why would they start now. I just clean up from your messes and make coffee that's all.' I state flatly.

'Don't you ever, ever dare say that again. You are significantly more than that. This place wouldn't function without you.'

'But you're the ones out saving the world. I just' Jack interrupts me

'We wouldn't be able to save the world if you didn't get us industrial strength coffee or get us a take-away for when we get back from a long day of weevil hunting.'

'What do we say if they ask us about it?' Jack asked, twiddling his thumbs.

'It? That's a good question I guess we need to establish what it is first don't we' I say with the biggest smirk on my face.

'Shall we just go with us together? But why don't we only say something if they insist because I kind of like the sneaking around secrecy thing.' He said, winking.

'Yes, that sounds perfect Jack'. I said winking back.

I have to resist the temptation to kiss him before I leave. After last night I think we will be okay. I mean yes, we are different, but they always say opposites attract. I sneak out of Jack's office down to the archives to get my suits then I quickly get changed and head to the toilets to shave, when suddenly I see a figure out of the corner of my eye, I slowly turn around with my hand on my gun as I approach the door. I open the door to find Jack stood there staring straight back at me. 'What are you doing you almost gave me a heart attack' I say.

'I always watch you when you come down here.' He says in his smooth American accent. I finish shaving and then lightly brush my hand against his thigh before going to make my famous coffee for everyone. Part of me wants somebody to notice and ask me something, the other half doesn't because I think that sneaking around is really fun and does add a great deal of excitement.

Having made the coffees, I approach the workstation. Tosh finishes typing the sentence she is on and spins around which is very unusual, I just assumed that she wanted to thank me for making her coffee. But then I look into her eyes and know that this is going to be a conversation about my suit she has noticed so I drop hers off last knowing she will want to haul me off to the kitchen.

'Ianto. Kitchen. Now.' She orders. The others stare; clearly, they have been having a conversation whilst I was upstairs with Jack. Wow something must really be wrong now. 'I need to ask you a serious question' Tosh asks

'Are you ok?'

'What are you talking about? I've never been better.'

'Seriously, what's going on with the suits?'

'What do you mean what's going on with the suits?' I try to shake her off but it's not working so I sit down and rub my head knowing that this isn't going to be easy to explain.

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