Christmas Special

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#1 on my list of things that are important lol ^^

Merry Christmas! Or Hanukkah or Rosh Hashanah or Kwanzaa or whatever it is you celebrate lol

Here's enough fluff for you to shit out of your mouth


Luke POV

I woke up in the morning to Ashton's gentle snores, the boy wrapped around me like a koala bear. His head was resting on my chest, and his eyes were closed lightly, my boy still asleep.

I checked my phone carefully, trying to make as little movement as possible so I didn't wake the cherub on my chest.

I smiled when I saw December 25, 2014 playing underneath the time.

Ashton shifted around, quiet groans coming from the back of his throat. I carded my fingers through his hair and rubbed my thumb over his hipbone to wake him up gently.

His head shifted up and I saw his eyes half lidded, and he gave me a tired smile, his dimples cratering his cheeks adorably.

"Merry Christmas, baby," I said softly, and he pressed a kiss to my neck.

"Merry Christmas, Lukey." I smiled at his cute face, and he snuggled closer to me. I kissed his mop of curls, and his legs curled closer around mine. "What time is it?" he mumbled into my shirt.

"About ten o'clock," I replied, continuing to sooth his scalp with my fingers. "Mikey and Calum are coming over at two."

"Should we get up?"

"Only if you want to, sweetheart."

"Can we take a bath?" he asked sweetly, and I chuckled.

"How could I say no to that?" I teased, and he blushed lightly, his cheeks turning a carnation pink.

I patted his back softly, and he started to heave his tired body out of bed. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, stretching his arms above his head, hands clutching the sleeves of his sweater in cute sweater paws.

I shifted to sit behind him, my legs straddling his back, my arms wrapping around his waist from behind. I nosed the baby hairs at the nape of his neck, pressing a butterfly kiss there.

Ashton smiled, leaning back into me. My fingers flirted with the line between the hem of Ashton's sweater and his stomach, and he giggled softly.

"Let's go," I whispered in his ear, and he shivered.

I pushed up off of the bed, taking Ashton with me. He grabbed my hand and shuffled to the bathroom with me in tow.

I closed the door behind us, pulling Ashton to my chest. He looked up at me with big hazel eyes, enchanting me with the swirls of color.

I brushed my thumb over his cheekbone, and his cheeks heated up slightly.

"Why do you always blush around me, sweetheart?" I asked. We've been dating for three years now, and I don't understand how I could still make him blush.

"Because I don't deserve you," he mumbled, craning his neck upward to close the space between our lips.

I gripped Ashton's hips, pulling him desperately closer to me. His hands came to rest in my mussed bed head, gently pulling on the ends.

Ashton has sloping body and bubblegum lips, drawing me in every second we're together. He practically has me on a leash, but he doesn't know it.

Ashton is meek, mild- he doesn't really like attention. He was the boy who sat in a secluded corner of the classroom doodling, dreaming he was anywhere but there.

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