Baking Day

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I should probably write something sad, for variety but



"Lukey. Luuuukey. Time to wake up, lovely."

Luke opened his eyes and huffed grumpily, trying to turn over. He couldn't move though because a boy with flowers tangled in his hair was laid on top of him; big, hazel eyes staring back at him.

"Ashton, I'm tired," he said in exasperation, but Ashton just snuggled into his neck, and Luke almost melted at the gesture. Ashton's flowers tickled his chin.

"But it's already 11:00, I've waited so long for you to wake up. I just want to spend time with you," he whined, pouting his lip so adorably that Luke had to resist the urge to get out of bed.

"Then snuggle with me while I sleep, that's spending time with me."

"But Lukey, that's not the same. That's boring, then you can't talk to me."

"Why do you need me to talk to you?"

"Because I love you," Ashton replied, like it was the simplest concept in the world.

"Ash, I was up late at work last night, and I'm tired as shit."

"Don't swear," he warned.


"Well, maybe you should get a job that doesn't require you to stay until 3 in the morning almost every night," Ashton said softly, almost hoping Luke wouldn't hear him.

Luke sighed, "Ashton, I don't have any other choice, I'm still in college. I need something that fits my schedule."

"I know, I just get so worried about you all alone with all those awful drunk people at that bar. I don't want you to get hurt and-"

Luke could tell Ashton was getting worked up by the way the pitch of his voice rose, and when Luke finally opened his eyes he saw tears threatening to spill from Ashton's eyes. So he cut him off, "Hey, hey. Calm down. Take a deep breath, baby. Shh, I'm fine. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself."

Ashton followed Luke's orders, taking a deep breath, but continued anyway, "And someday I'm worried that you'll meet someone better than me and you won't want me anymore and I wouldn't be able to handle that because I love you so much and-"

"Hey, what did I say. Calm down. I only have eyes for you, cutie," Luke cut him off again, and pressed a kiss to his temple.

Ashton sniffled. "Okay, Lukey. Will you get up now?"

Luke sighed, but knew that he couldn't say no to Ashton, so heaved himself out of bed, and Ashton cheered. He jumped on Luke, and giggled into his neck.

"Thank you, Lukey."

"Anything for you." Ashton blushed.

Ashton kissed his cheek, and Luke pouted. "Hey give me a real kiss," he whined, and a giggle bubbled from Ashton's pink lips.

"Carry me downstairs, then I will," he ordered, jumping into Luke's arms, wrapping his legs around Luke's waist.

"Okay, sweet pea," Luke whispered in his ear, and Ashton giggled again.

Luke carried Ashton into the kitchen, and set him on the counter. "Where's my kiss, Princess?" Ashton blushed at the nickname. He leaned into Luke, connecting their lips in a chaste kiss. "Thank you," Luke whispered in his ear.

"Why are we in the kitchen?" he continued.

"We're having a baking day!" Ashton cheered, but Luke scowled.

"You're kidding, right?" Luke said monotonously. Ashton shook his head zealously. Luke groaned, "No, Ashton. I'm not baking."

Ashton pouted adorably, and Luke resisted the urge to give in right then and there. Ashton shouldn't be able to win every time. "But, Lukey. Please? I'll give you as many kisses as you want, and we can even watch a scary movie tonight! I mean, even though I don't like them, I know you do and we could cuddle. It'll be fun!" Ashton pleaded, and Luke sighed.


Ashton nodded his head vigorously, and one of his flowers came loose. Luke carefully tucked it back into Ashton's slatternly curls, and finally surrendered. "Alright, Princess."

Ashton squealed and gave Luke a bear hug, nearly squeezing him to death. He kissed Luke's cheek, and Luke chuckled. Ashton was sort of like a four year old.

"I already have all the ingredients and the recipe because, let's get real here, Lukey, you could never resist me," Ashton teased, sending a wink at his boyfriend. Luke rolled his eyes in the fondest way.

Ashton began pulling things out from the cupboards and the refrigerator. When he reached up high to try to grab the flour, on his tippy-toes even, he couldn't reach it.

"Let me help," Luke said lowly into Ashton's ear, and Ashton shivered.

Luke grabbed the flour, and Ashton wiggled his butt against Luke, who had his body pressed against Ashton's backside. "Ash," Luke warned, and Ashton just giggled.

Luke started to help get the ingredients, and then all of a sudden Ashton piped, "Oh!" and ran off.

Luke watched after him until he disappeared up the stairs, and just shrugged, figuring he had to use the bathroom or something.

A minute later Ashton strolled back in with two frilly aprons and a chef's hat. Luke groaned, "No, Ashton." Ashton giggled and started to tie one of the aprons around Luke's slender waist, but Luke didn't protest.

Luke looked down at the mess of lace covering half of his body, and just sighed and rubbed his hands over his face when he saw that it said Kiss the Cook in pink, curly letters. Ashton put his own on, and smirked at Luke.

"Awe, Lukey! You look so cute!" Luke couldn't help but smile at his adorable boyfriend.

"I'm not cute, I'm manly," he teased, puffing out his chest dramatically, and Ashton giggled. Ashton's giggle is the cutest thing he's ever heard.

"Well, of course. You're my macho man," Ashton teased and mimicked the ties on Luke's apron, wrapping his arms around his waist. Luke dipped down to kiss him, and Ashton melted into his touch.

"One more thing," Ashton said when they came up for air, and placed the chef's hat on Luke's head.

Luke gave him an annoyed look, and Ashton laughed into his hands.

"Why do I have to wear the hat! Why can't you wear it?" Luke complained.

Ashton's smile dropped and his whole demeanor changed. "It would mess up my flowers. You know how I feel about that, Lucas," Ashton replied coldly, and Luke winced. He said Lucas.

Ashton continued to get the bowl and a cupcake pan, and Luke cooed at him. "Awe, Ashy, I'm sorry. I didn't realize, okay? I'm sorry, I love the hat. But I love you mooore." He held Ashton from behind and Ashton leaned into his warmth.

"S'okay, Lukey," Ashton said, giggling as Luke rocked them back and forth. He started humming and Ashton held onto his hands with his cute sweater paws.

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