Chapter 4 - The Cafe

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"You shouldn't have done that." You said for the hundredth time to Wanda. She said for the hundredth time back, "I know. But I did. And you don't have to apologize again."

You sighed and shook your head. You made your way down to everyone else and they all looked at you with concern in their eyes. You put your hands up in defense, "I'm okay. Sorry for...earlier. Wanda told me what happened."

Everyone only looked, still concerned. Wanda spoke, "It's fine, everyone."

Tony finally spoke up, "You're eyes are red. Why is that?"

You explained, "Happens when I feed. The longer I went without feeding and how hungry I was, the longer my eyes are red."

"How hungry were you?" Clint asked.

"When I stepped out of that shop, it was way hotter than I anticipated. The sun depleted my energy and I needed blood to regain it. Warm temperatures make my blood feel like it's boiling and it drains me." You explained.

You looked at Wanda and you weren't sure if you should tell everyone how you wanted to drain every last drop of blood from Wanda's system because of how good she smelled. You decided not to. You'd already told them how to kill you, you don't need to encourage them to do so.

"How long will they be like that?" Banner asked, making you shrug. "I dunno. A couple of hours maybe?"

"Will they just turn black?" He asked again.

You shook your head and pointed to your eyes, "They'll slowly turn, but you'll notice it fairly quickly. It'll seem like the pupils are growing, but you'll notice the color dimming a little."

They nodded and you spoke, "Just now, you'll probably see the red beginning to lighten." They nodded as they looked closer at your eyes from where they stood.

"Don't worry about it. With the way I feed, I don't need to as much. I usually feed all day at the beginning of the week. It keeps me from being hungry later on." You're voice dropped a little as you spoke, your tone not as light as it was, "But since I was locked up in three days, it didn't help anything. My schedule is irregular and I need to catch up on it."

Steve looked away for a moment. He might as well have whistled because the look on his face was slightly guilty. "But, it's fine. I should regulate it again Monday."

After that, they left you alone to do whatever you were doing. You spent the rest of your day in the tower, mostly in your room since it was the coldest one in the house. Wanda joined you, talking and chatting with you as you did in the cafe.


Morning came around and you were the first one up since you didn't need as much sleep as humans did. You started your day, boiling the water for tea and making a large pot of coffee for everyone.

As everyone started strolling in, you asked them all what they wanted. They were surprised and you shrugged at it, "I own a coffee shop and you expect me not to make coffee."

After everyone told you what they'd want, you fixed it quickly. Since they all knew of your vampirism, you were able to use your speed to move around the kitchen quickly. You gave everyone their drinks and waited for their reactions.

Natasha looked up with a look of slight disbelief, "This is amazing."

You shrugged, "After 200 years of mixing herbs and a good few decades owning several different coffee shops, I know a thing or two about making tea and coffee."

Bruce spoke up, "What kind of herbs did you use in this tea?"

You shrugged, "I used a mixture of peppermint and kava kava. It helps soothe anxiety and stress, makes you feel happier and more comfortable." Bruce smiled a little, looking back at the tea and saying, "Thanks."

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