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You got Liam in the Tower, tending to his wounds while Bruce took care of Nadine's. He was better now and all he needed was to get the sage out of his system.

You sat next to him when you finished and hugged him carefully, "I'm so sorry I hadn't kept you safe. I feel like a terrible mother."

He shook his head and said, "You got me back and I'm here, so that's all that matters. And you're a wonderful mother, you always have been and always will be."

You smiled and allowed him to get some proper rest so he could finish healing. Wanda joined you again, walking you down the hall.

You told her gently, "Crazy day, huh?"

She nodded with a chuckle, "Crazy day, indeed."

"I didn't mean to drag you into this vampire-werewolf bullshit I didn't know actually existed," you told her, "I'm sorry you had to deal with it."

She shook her head, "I hope you're not handing out apologies tonight. I fought beside you because I care for you and Liam and Nadine. I will always be there for you. Until forever ends, Y/N."

You smiled, "Until forever ends." You hugged her, "I love you, Wanda."

She hugged you back, holding you close, "I love you, too. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"You're one to talk," you chuckled. You pulled back and kissed her, a hand on the back of her neck as support.

Her hands fell to your waist and she smiled into the kiss. You separated, only because you were in the middle of the hallway, and told her again gently, "I love you."


You and Wanda stayed together for about another year before finally proposing. You were the one to pop the question, which surprised her because she was planning on asking the next day. She said yes and you were married in no time.

The wedding was beautiful, you had tons of guests arrive to support and congratulate you. There was the whole team, of course, then your vampires friends who all found time to come see you get married.

You managed to drag your father and mother out to see you off, he was only about a year away from finally kicking it, so it was good to see him before it happened. The team loved finally meeting your parents, who ended up loving Wanda to death. It made you happy that your parents approved of your new wife, even if it wouldn't matter to you if they didn't.

Nadine and Liam got together not too long after the battle. They had picked up your vow, which eventually became a family thing, of until forever ends.

After about two years of dating, Nadine and Liam finally tied to knot and married as well. It was about time they had, and they were teased for taking so long. They made a cute couple and everyone was glad they were happy.

You and Wanda were proud mothers.

Another perk of being a vampire was the reproduction system. Since vampires could only multiply by having children, both men and women could give birth no matter the partner.

You ended up getting Wanda pregnant the first time with a boy named was Luka. He had Wanda's eyes, but everything else was you. He also ended up being a sorcerer along with his Wanda, as well as being a vampire because of you.

The second time, you were the one to be pregnant. You had a girl named Lyra, who also inherited Wanda's magic and your vampire gene. She was a spitting image of Wanda, except she had your eyes, her face lightly decorated with freckles she inherited from your dad's side of the family. They both picked up your strange power of compulsions and you had to teach them how to control it. Luckily, that wasn't hard to do.

Liam was more than happy to finally have siblings. He fawned over them for their childhood, overprotective and adorable. When they caught up to him a few years later, he was still protective of them, being the older sibling, but was more on the side of best friend than guardian. He loved them to pieces and they loved him back.

After a while, you and Wanda realized that her magic and being mated to you made her immortal. If she were only human, she would not have been.

Liam and Nadine did not take long in giving you grandchildren. They had four kids, two of which were twins. They were little vampire-werewolf hybrids and they were adorable.

Because of their werewolf gene, their childhood was slower than a regular vampire's would have been, they had more time to savor them.

As for the team, they were just as good as you. Steve's old and new friends, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson joined the team. It took a while, but Tony finally allowed Peter Parker as a part of the team as an official Avenger. Thor's brother, Loki, joined the team not long after and he was a help to Wanda with training the kid's magic.

The Avengers Tower got too crowded, so Tony decided to build an Avengers Facility that would allow all of the residents to fit happily and comfortably.

Clint was able to bring his family to the facility on vacations and for holidays to spend with the team. He was grateful for that.

Your vampire friends visited often, loving the time they spent hanging out with you and your kids.

The Alpha Nadine chose for the pack, which she was barely a part of now, checked up with her often. She was doing a fantastic job as the Alpha and kept in touch with Nadine.

Nadine, on the other hand, started her own pack with Liam. Tony was generous enough to buy land for her to have her own pack territory so she could properly lead them with Liam.

You lived a beautiful life with Wanda in both the facility and your own little house near the woods close enough to Nadine's pack for emergency access.

You still kept your shop, but you had to hand it off to another owner after a while. You hadn't been aging and, though people knew you were an Avenger after a while, they didn't know you were immortal and didn't need to know to keep the risk of the truth of vampires coming out to the public.

You'd offered Nadine the job and she gladly took it. She loved that shop and was happy to be able to run it. She hardly made any changes, it was perfect the way it was. You taught her more of herbs and candles, which bettered her and the shop. She was grateful to have you.

You kept your promise of showing Wanda the world and often traveled with her, taking her places she'd never been. You did things you'd wanted to do and lived life the way you wanted to.

Wanda made your life beautiful and you would be forever grateful for that. Living life with Wanda was the best thing to ever happen to you and you vowed to her almost every day.

Forever didn't ever seem like it would end, and neither would your love for her.

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