Chapter 14 - Full Moon

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The morning of the full moon came and you were already up and making breakfast, it was your day, after all.

The team slowly started to go to the kitchen, sitting at the table as you set up breakfast. "Where's Wanda?" You asked while you set the large plate of bacon and sausage on the table.

As if she had been summoned, Wanda was walking down the hall, "I'm here." Nadine was by her side, smiling up at her while Wanda talked.

They sat at the table and Wanda walked over to you, kissing your cheek while you put together Nadine's plate. You smiled at her, kissing her back.

"How'd you sleep, love?" You asked her.

She sighed, "Good. You?"

You shrugged one shoulder, "I only slept an hour. I was making sure I was okay for tonight. It's full moon and Nadine will have to change, so I'll be watching over her in the woods while she plays tonight. Of course, you're welcome to come as well. Liam will be there."

Wanda nodded, "Of course, I'll come. Also, Nadine spoke to me." You looked at Wanda, surprise on your features.

"She did?"

"Yes. I stopped by her room to take her to breakfast and she spoke to me while we were walking down the hall." Wanda told you happily.

You smiled at her joy and news, "That's great! She's warming up, that's good."

You both went to the table, taking a seat. You set Nadine's plate in front of her and said, "I supposed you would like this better."

On her plate was scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage bits mixed in. Since she told you about what happened on these mornings, you'd decided to make her a separate breakfast.

Since she really liked pancakes, you decided to leave it for tomorrow so she would be happy eating them.

She thanked you with a smile, still tired and looking a little sick. You returned it and she started eating. The table was filled with quiet morning chatter. Breakfast was the only time of day the team was quiet because the only morning person there was Steve, and even he couldn't give energy to you all.

After dinner, the team cleaned their individual dishes and Clint decided to wash the ones you used to cook with.

You retreated to the living room with Wanda and Nadine was quick to join you, cuddled in both of your laps as she relaxed while you turned on something to watch.

She soon fell asleep, feeling safe around you and Wanda. You were happy she felt safe enough with you, it was good to know she trusted.

After spending so much time and so many full moons with Hydra, to know she felt safe enough to fall asleep with you was something. With what she described to you, the sickness of moon fever, the heat that came with it, being forced to shift, the weakness from the fever, there was no way she'd be calm enough to sleep when she really needed it.

But you had a calm about you that she sensed greatly. She eased in your presence and slept while you softly stroked her hair to keep her calm. Wanda smiled as she set a hand over her and used her thumb to stroke her skin.

"She's so calm. It's making me sleepy." Wanda said lazily.

You chuckled lightly, "It's an Omega thing. I'm almost surprised she actually fell sleep though, she hasn't had a safe full moon, or a safe day in forever."

"Maybe you calmed her."

You shrugged, "I don't know. She seems to like you though. Which is good, I'm glad she likes the love of my life."

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