Chapter 3 - Sunlight

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You arrived at your shop and you could feel the discomfort oozing out of every corner of the building. You shivered slightly and continued inside. When Wanda stepped foot through the door after you, you could feel the skipped beat in her chest.

She wasn't even there and she could feel the unpleasant atmosphere. You turned around you and spoke as you continued walking over to the counter. "It's not always like this. After those idiots came to steal from me, the whole place needed a makeover. It reeks of dread and irritation."

You walked behind the counter, grabbing a few things before setting it on the counter. You placed your hands on the surface and took in a long breath. Even the air tasted sickening. You let out the breath and said, "We'll have to light a few candles."

Wanda rubbed her arms as she walked over, "It's a little cold in here." You nodded and motioned around again, "I like to keep it a little cool in here. I usually have a few candles scattered around in places the kids can't reach. People see them and they feel warmer. I personally need it to be a little cool in here. I'm a type that can't stand too much heat."

Wanda nodded and you went ahead and grabbed a candle from under the counter, lighting it swiftly and setting it down to start off. Wanda looked at the candle and her arms dropped a little. "You're right."

You nodded, "Go ahead and take a breath." She looked at you for a moment and then breathed in. She smiled, "It's nice."

You nodded again and added, "The candle I use is a type that vampires typically have. It controls the heat in our bodied, keeping the temp to our preferred feel. It works the same way for humans, but it's more intense in vamps. You should feel perfect in a moment."

Wanda nodded and said, "Thanks. So what are we starting with?"

You sighed and looked over to the bookshelves, "We can do the shelves last. Not much happened over there so it should feel okay for a while longer. The main area is where we need to start off."

Wanda looked over at the sofas, sectionals, loveseats, and chairs. "We'll move it to another area, switch places. Take the two-person tables, the dining tables, and the little chairs will go together where the sofas used to be."

Wanda nodded as she kept up with what you were saying. You tapped your chin with your finger and continued to look around. You finally walked over to the library as you motioned around that area, "We'll put a little space between the middle of the shelves to put a couple of tables, then we'll move the children's shelves over to another small table for the little kiddies."

"What about the bar?" Wanda asked.

"I have different chairs in the storage. We'll switch them out. Behind the bar and in the kitchen, we'll move some of the machines around. Take the magnets and things off the fridge and replace them as well." You answered.

She nodded and asked if that was all. "Should be." You smiled and looked around, seeing what you'd said in your head.

You started out moving the seating area. As you picked up both of the big chairs, you began moving them with ease. Wanda stared wide-eyed for a moment before you plainly told her, "Super strength."

She nodded then and face the large sectional and loveseat. She used her magic, picking them both up and waiting for direction of where to put them. When you set them down in the area next to the kitchen after moving the tables and chairs to the side, Wanda set them down as well, moving them in the way you wanted.

You gave a thumbs up when she placed it down and you both worked to move things out of the way. Wanda had to do the bookshelves by herself. You usually had a little trouble moving them because the books would fall out and you'd have to refill the shelves when they were moved.

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